Chapter 22

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This chapter is dedicated to mike_richards sunny_ade Mommies_princess

Thank you so much guys, for voting on my story.

Dominic POV.

"Steve where is location", i asked him.

"Yes, i traced that, it's in South Tyrol", Steve said.

"Good, get out men ready. We have a mission", i said and hung up.

I looked at Pooja.

"We located their location. Don't worry soon you will able to meet them", i told her.

Suddenly her phone beeps. She looked at her phone.

"It's kidnapper message", she said.

Message - Come to Terntino. Our man will pick you from there. Remember no games with me otherwise be ready to say good bye to your beloved friend.

She looked at me.

"But, what Steve told me. Location is South Tyrol. Then why they are calling you at Terntino", i said.

"Maybe, they have kept them in different place, so that we won't be able to reach them", she said.

"Pooja, don't worry. I told you i will bring them back. We only have 6 hours. We have to plan something big", I said.

With that I called all my best mens. Within an hour all are here. I briefly explained them my plan.

"Pooja, are you sure you will be able to do that?", i said.

"I have to do this, i have to save them. I can risk my life for them Dom", she said.

"Pooja, I will come with you to Terntino", i said.

"No, you won't come with me. I do not care what will happen to me. I want Sara and Sam safe. And i don't trust anyone. You are going to South Tyrol", she said.

"But, you life is in danger.....", i said but cutted by her in mid.

"I said no. You are going to South Tyrol. You promised me to bring them back safely. You are not coming with me. You are going for them", she threatens me.

"Bro, allow me. I will go with Pooja. I ensure you her safety", Steve said.

At last I nodded my head in defeat.

"But you two are going to take our gangs best man with you", with that i called my best man.

Ronny, Stephen, Jimmy, Oliver and Claus. And also i have given Pooja a microphone embedded in a earing and a microchip installed in spectacles in case of her extra safety. We have a group of professional hackers and software expects. So that we can communicate easily with them. I with that micro chip camera, I can see everything what is going on their.

With that, we started our resue mission.

*At Terntino*

"Pooja, it's show time. Remember that I will be always with you", Steve said.

"Now go inside, we have to waste their time as much as we can so that Dom will be able to save Sam and Sara. You understand that", he said.

"Yes Steve. I know everything is now depends upon me", with that I started moving inside a mansion.

Two men picked me from gate and we started heading towards basement.

Now, I'm in basement. A man is sitting on a chair, with his back on our front.

"Sir, she is here", one man said.

"Leave", he said.

"Yes Sir", both of them nodded their heads and moved out from basement.

"Hello, Ms Mehra, so finally i got a chance to personally met you", he said while turning.

I remebered what Steve said, to waste as much time I can.

"Where is Sara and Sam. You told me, if i come to you, you will leave them", i said.

" did i said that", he raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"How can i leave them, when they are not with me", he said faking sad face.

"What", i reacted like i'm shocked after hearing this.

"Where are they", i yelled at him.

He stood up from his chair, marched straight towards me and smashed me cross my face.

"Don't you ever talk to me like this", he gripped my jaw.

"As much as ,I want, to tied you in my bed and fuck you numerous times, but i have received orders from my boss. He wants you", i yelled in pain.
He realised me from his grip. And again he gripped me from my hair and wisphered in my ears.

"But i can't control myself", with that he started dragging me to his bed room.

Steve POV.

Pooja started walking towards his mansion. Two man pick her. With that camera which is embedded in her spects which she is wearing right now. I can see everything. They have taken her to basement. But around this mansion there are 100 of mans.

Operator 1:- Sir we are able to hack their security system.

Steve :- Good job. Boys it's show time.

Ronny and Jimmy go to back side of this mansion. Oliver and Stephen you cover me. And Claus shoot all man who tried to attack from back.

With that we started moving towards mansion firing. Two man's down.

Claus watch out they are shooting from roof.
We all jumped and hide behind pillars. Jimmy, Ronny we will shoot togther.

One, two, three.

15 man down.

We started heading towards basement. But a man come with a rocket launcher and fired.

"Jump everyone", i yelled.

But before he could fire one more rocket, i put my bullet in his heart.

10 more down.

"They are not here", I said to operator.

"Sir, he took her in his bedroom", he said.

"Oh! Shit", i jumped and ran towards his room.

Steve watch out, i heard Jimmy yelling at me. I immediately jumped and hide behind furniture. They all started firing.

"I think he is dead", one man said.

"Let's check", he come closer.

Me and jimmy nodded and jumped and started shooting.

10 down.

Pooja POV.


"You bring mens with you", kiddnaper yelled. He throw me on floor. And pulled out his gun to shoot me. I immediately jumped and kicked his hand, his gun is now on floor.
I was about to kick him in his face, but he quickly grapped my leg and throw me to near wall.
He started throwing punches on my belly. But i want wearing a bullet proof jacket, so no broken ribs. My hand reached to flower pot which was there on a table near wall. I smashed that pot harder on his head. He got away from me, with both of his hand on his head. I immediately kicked on his balls and started throwing punches on his nose and broke it. He defended my punches with his both hands and his hand is now reached on my neck and started choking with his other hand he picked me up over his shoulder and dumped me harder on floor. But wrong move, i fell near where the gun is. I immediately picked it and fired straight in his head.

Authors Note:-
Yes, Pooja is a complete bad ass.
I'm sorry. I am not really good in writing action staff, but i tried.

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