Chapter 50.

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So sorry guys, from few days i wasn't able to update my chapters.  I am really busy with placement thing in my college. But this story is going to end soon. I will try to finish this book in this month or maybe in 1st week of next month, but soon i will.

This chapter is dedicated to ThamizhMagan and SashaXBae
Thank you so much guy for voting and reading my book.


Zachary POV.

*Calling Dominic*

"Hello, my dear friend", i said and chuckled.

"You bustard. How dare you to kidnap Alia?", Dom yelled from other saide.

"Oh! Poor Dom. I thought it was enough for you to understand, but you don't", I said.

"You coward, you don't have strength to fight back me, so to make me weak, you got kidnapped Alia. You are no man", i can feel Dom smirked from other side.

"Enough, it will took me a few minutes to deliver you her heart. And you won't be able to do anything. So i better suggest you not to make things difficult for her", I said, and imagined his face with expression of fear.

"If you dare to touch her....", i cut him mid.

"I will, and then i will throw her to my mens to have her.  Poor kid has to suffer because of you, so give me just what i want or else she will die", i said and ended his call.

I really don't feel killing her. She is just a kid. Old enough to be my daughter, but she has to pay if Dom tried to play any games. For sure.


"We are moving to Manchester, it's my final decision", i ordered everyone.

"Yes Sir", my mens replied in unison.

Then one by one, every one has signed their contracts. And vacated my office.

"Dom, what have you planned for this. Zachary wants you to submit your every thing to him, your business, property, power everything. What are you going to do now?", Steve said.

In reality, i also don't know what to do. I just want to save Alia. But i also cannot hand him, what i didn't owe. My foster dad has his real daughter, she stays in Germany, before his death he transfer everything in her name.

I was made as keeper of the Power of Antony. Everyone knows that he transferred his property to me, but in reality I only owe 3-4 chains of business, all illegal business was transferred in her name. And she even didn't knew that. She is my baby sister. I cannot drag her in all this. And also don't want anyone to know her existence, otherwise her life will be danger, we have too many enemies.

I took a deep breath before answering, "I am not gonna give him what he wants. This is my property, my power, i have earned that much by myself, by my sweat and blood. i'm not gonna give up so easily with that bustard who didn't even have to strength to fight with me. Letting his minions to get killed. Coward", i said everything in one breathe.

"We are going to attack him, rescue Alia, and come back home safely", i said to Steve.

"Definitely, I trust you. You are not alone Dom we all are with you", He smiled and patted on my shoulder.

"Thanks bro", i said and we hugged.

After a few second we pulled apart.

"Did you told Pooja that you are flying to Manchester", Steve said.

"No, not yet", i told him.

"Then go and tell her", Steve advised.

"Aah! I don't know how will she react. She love Alia a lot. I don't know how she react, i wish she don't do anything stupid", i signed.

"Uuh! Don't worry she won't. She has brains", he said. I nodded.

"Now go and tell her", Steve said and pushed me along with him.

I reached at her room. I swiftly turned her door knob. She was sitting on floor. Praying to Lord's for her safety. Almost every Asian i met till now are mostly religious. Pooja is no exception.

"Pooja", i called her name. She opened her eyes and blinked. She stood up and ran to me to embrace in hug. She needed me now the most.

"Did you find any trace of her?", she asked with hope in her eyes.

"They are in Manchester. And tommorow i am flying their", i said.

"Dom, please i also want to come", she said with pleading eyes.

"No cupcake, you stay her. It too risky their. And i will always not be around you to savw you", i said.

"Dom please i want to come with you. Alia is my sister. She needs help. Please Dom. I cannot bear this burden anymore that she being kidnapped because of me. Please Dom let me help", she pleaded again.

"Pooja, you are being kidish right now. I assure you i will bring her back. Please don't be stubborn", i said to her. I don't want her to come with me. If she come along. It will be dangerous. What if Zachary tries to kill her? It is better for her to stay.

"But Dom what if he's lying of being in Manchester. Maybe it's a trap. Last time you remembered when they kidnapped Sara and Sam. What if they are doing all this for distraction, what if after you left they attack here anything can happen Dom. You can't stop every happening. Please Dom, i also want to come with you. I want to help. I have made a promise with dad, that i will always protect my Alia. Now it the time to prove", Pooja said, i can she determination in her eyes.

If she is determined for anything then no one could stop her. This is the first thing i have learnt about her.

Her words now started ringing in my brain, "What if they are doing all this for distraction, what if after you left they attack here anything can happen Dom"

It is true, A snake like Zachary can do anything. I  won't let that happen. Zachary YOUR PLAN WON'T WORK.

"Okay Pooja, you are coming along with me", i smiled at her. A lost brightness illuminated over her face. "Omg! How much i missed that after her accident"

She put her head in my neck crook.
"Thank you so much Dom to letting me come", she said.

"Anything for you baby girl", I said and pecked her on her rosy lips. She is beautiful.

"I love you", She said.

"Love you more", i said and for whole night we cuddled with each other.


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