Chapter 44.

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This chapter is dedicated to google36 AditiAnanta0 thank you so much guys for reading and voting.

Writer's POV.

"Damm it", Zachary is locked up in his basement. Thrashing everything which he find in his hand.

He walk up to night stand, and starts eating a substance like white powder.

"Zachary, stop it. It will kill you", Issac came to him, trying to stop him from eating that substance.

"Back off. Get out from here", Zachary yelled at Issac. Defeat is all over written in his face, in trying to kill The Italian Mafia King, he ended up losing his 100 army of mens and resources, all his illegal place has been targeted by police. Now, police and Italian Mafia king both are behind him.

"Zachary stop it", Issac yelled at Zachary, snatching that packet from his hand.

"This is not the way to express your anger. Calm down. We'll surely make out from this", Issac tried to calm him.

"How", he growled at Issac. "Tell me how, because of Dominic i lost everything, because of his girlfriend first i lost deal with those clients. Now Dom has killed 100 of my best mens. Tell me", Zachary grabbed Issac collar.

I sly smirk spread over Issac face.

"Take revenge from Dom. He killed your friend, now it's your turn to kill his people", Issca told Zachary.

"But how. He must have ensure tight security around everyone. Then tell me how, how can i kill his people", Zachary face turned red.

"No Dom, but Pooja", Issac said.

"You have to see this file", a red ribbon tied file handed to Zachary.

After seeing that file. Zachary got confused.

"Who is she?", he asked.

Issac smirked and move forward to Zachary.

"She is Pooja's younger sister Alia Mehra", Issac told him.

"Now you must have understood what you have to do now", a light of hope shined in Zachary eyes. Now, predator got the weekness of his prey.

And a loud evil laughter has filled the room.

Pooja POV.

I woke feeling a tight grip around my waist, then i saw Dom beautiful face. He look so cute when he snores. But i'm in urgent need of bathroom. I tried to release myself from his grip but his grip tightened around or more.

"Dom, wake up. I have to go", I said tried to wake up him, but he stirred a bit, didn't removed his grip.

"Dom, i can't control any more", I tried again. But no use.


"Dom, Zachary is here", he got up and took out his gun under the pillow. And pointed at me.

"Eww.. don't shoot. Please don't shoot", i panicked and closed my eyes.

After a few second when i opened my eyes. I met with two angry eyes, ready to kill me.

"WHY DID YOU DID THAT?", Dom said with loud voice.

"I...I.. tried you wake you up. But you didn't, i have in urgent need of using washroom", i said meekly.

He rested his head on my shoulder. And signed deep.

"Go", he said. I nodded and followed what he said.

After finishing my business, i found Dom is not in my room. I quickly turned my shower and bathed.

I wrapped towel around my waist tightly and got out from bathroom. Then suddenly two strong pair of arms wrapped around waist pulling me over a hard chest. I knew he did all this.

"Hmm... you smell good", he inhale near my neck, i can feel his warm breathe over it.

"Dom, what... ar...are you doing?", i asked him. I can't stand like this. I never did this before standing naked never even in front of my sister.

"Punishing you for what you did in morning", he said kissing nape of my neck. I grasped and a small mourn escaped from my lips. Never even in my life someone has touched me like this. I can feel his wet hair make contact with my skin, reviving all butterflies in my belly. Maybe he got and shower in other room.

"Stop pushing me. I know you also want this", he said, his word are creating sensations in my brain. I can't think straight. I clutched tightly my towel. Then he flipped me, and placed small kisses on my cleavage, shoulder, nape of my neck and earlope.

I was devoured by pleasure. With his every kiss, my lips morned wanting or more.

Then someone knock on door. I can feel Dom frustration. I immediately  run to bathroom and locked it.

"What is it?", Dom said.

"Sir plane  is ready", he nodded.

"Pooja, get ready we're moving", he said to me.

"Okay", i replied him from inside bathroom. I can feels heat rushed over my cheeks, what happen within a few minutes.

Oh! I can't face him.

"Baby come on", Dom said.

"No, until you leave this room", i said.

"What, comeon. I want to see", he chuckled slightly.

I can feel he is internationally.

"Get out", i yelled from inside.

"Okay, okay. I'm going. Now get ready", he said and left. After stepping out i straightly locked door of my room.

* 30 minutes later*

We reached at deport, where Dom's private plane is ready for take off. He held my hand like a gental man, before stepping out of car and then in plane he fastened my belt.

Then he kissed my knuckles. And told me how lucky he was having me. I can feel my cheeks are scarlet  now.

"You look really hot when you blush", he complemented.

"Shut up", i playfully hit his arm.

After an hour later, i drift in deep slumber of sleep. And i saw a dream, dream of me and him being together.

Pooja dream above ❤❤
Watch till end 😋😋


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