Chapter 35.

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This chapter is dedicated to LoveBySheeru thank you so much for reading and voting on my book.


Pooja POV.

"You are looking breathtaking Pooja", Steve complimented. He's always sweet to me. And we both share brotherly-sisterly bond. I feel very much comfortable when he is around.

"Thank you Steve, you are also not looking bad", i said. He has a well built body even huge then Steve. His grey suit well fitted to his torso.

"Thank you Miss", we both chuckled.

After a 30 minute ride we reached at Dom's grand opening ceremony of new hotel. I mentally gasped at the hotal. It's not a hotel it is more or like a king's palace.

My thought was interrupt when Dom slide his hand on my waist. I have of a strange feeling of the butterfly in my stomach. Now my colour is as red as tomato.

"How is it?", Dom asked me.

"It's breath-taking", i answered.

"I'm glad you like it. Let's move in", he said and dragged me along with him. We passed through the entrance gate of the hotel. All i can see was flashes. Paparazzi from around the world i guessed gathered her today.

But this only thing was not bothering me. My head is feeling heavy ever since i left the mansion. I don't know why, i'm feeling week, even i had my proper 3 time meal today.

We entered into the hall. Sam, Sara and Steve all are behind us. It was beautiful from outside, but from inside i cannot find suitable words to explain it.

"Hello, Mr. Giovanni", an old man approached Dom and greeted, who is wearing a white armani suit. He is not alone, he is with a girl who is half of his age, i guess his daughter, who is throwing death glare at me. But i could care, because now my head is spinning.

"Ah! Mr. Malhotra, nice to see you again. And you too Miss", he greeted to both of them.

"Who is this beauty with you", Mr. Malhotra said who is looking at me with lustful eyes. I can say he is a player, even he is aged.

"She is love of my life, my girlfriend", Dom said straight looking in my eyes.

"What", "such a big liar" i thought.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that i haven't realised Dom has already introduced us and Mr. Malhotra extended his hand for shake.

"It's nice meeting you Ms. Mehra. I have heard a lot about you in news. It takes a ounce of courage to save ones life. I'm really proud of you", he said.

"Thank you Mr. Malhotra, for your words of appreciation", i extended my hand and shake which last longer then a usual hand shake.

"Meet my wife Melody", he pointed towards that girl, which i thought his daughter earlier. She also shaked my hand with fake smile. I think she didn't likes me and keep intently gazing at Dom. Maybe they share their past.

After that Dom also introduced me with other important guests. I can't take it any more. Suddenly i started feeling sick.

"Dom i want to use washroom", i wisphered to him which he nodded. I headed towards washroom. Did my business. When i came out from cubical i saw Melody, who is standing in front of mirror, doing her touch-ups. I completely ignored her existence. As i knew i can faint any moment.

"Hmm...hmmm...", Someone cleared her throat, and it is Melody.

"So you are new bed warmer of Dominic", her words like an electric shock for me.

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