Chapter 2

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I sat down at the table which I normally sit at and drank my usuals while waiting for my friend, Pyo Jihoon. He is an underground rapper.

He is my childhood friend since young and lived just next door but moved away when he was a teen. We still managed to keep in contact, unlike those friends that come and go.
He is the one that listened to all my concerns and troubles without disturbing me and allowed me to rant. He is the one true friend that stayed by my side for the past few years.

I was going to leave and order another drink when he came panting. I bet he ran all the way here because he couldn't bear to even spend money to take the subway. "Sorry, something came up at the last minute. You didn't wait for long right??"

I shook my head. "I know how busy you are, so it is normal that you will be late. I heard your mixtape, it's good." I handed him the drink that I bought for him. He said that he would pay me back when he had made it big. He is famous in the underground scene and people liked how his voice sounded in raps.

His eyes gleamed. "Really?? How's it is?? Is it like thunder or like spitting fire anywhere??"

"Both, I hope that agencies will take notice of you soon and then your life would be easier."

"I wish I could. I perform in Hongdae every weekend and people just stare at me rapping. Someone even threw money on the floor once. They thought that I was busking."

"Aren't you always short of money??"

"I would rather work part-time than to perform for money that is thrown on the floor. I am not some kind of a beggar OK??"

"Got it. You and your stubborn attitude are going to last until your last day of life."

"Of course, I wonder how you put up with it all these years." I shrugged my shoulders.

"How's school??" He asked me.

"School?? You do know that I don't go to school because I'm too cool for that."

"That's bullshit, I mean your school life??"

"My school life?? Apart from having to deal with those scumbags under me causing trouble all the time, there's nothing interesting to talk about." I said drank the last mouthful of it.

"Then what about Mystery Girl??" He said and I raised my eyebrows.

"That anymonous tutor??" He nodded. "Isn't she just my tutor?? She's nothing interesting."

I happened to meet someone on a tutoring portal in search of a tutor that would help me in my studies and she was the one that I was paired up with. The reason why I knew that she was a girl is that her profile picture is a cute picture of a bunny holding coconuts in its hand with the username Coconut Bunny. Only a girl would have such a profile picture. Weird name for a bunny. Does she like coconut??

Other than that, I know nothing about her. In her Bio, there is nothing that says about her real self. Her life, her hobbies are not listed. It is only 'In search of a student that I can teach everything to. No gender preference, all is welcome.' Sounds like a person with no life right??

But her methods of teaching is really very different from the other teachers in school. She would answer questions in a very systematic order and would explain complicated terms in its simplest terms. I wonder if she is a teacher in real life or a student around the same age as me. If she is, she is really amazing or very smart. I wonder how smart she is.

"I know but she is a female, she must have attracted you in some way or else why would you want to ask her to be your tutor for??"

"Are you serious??" I asked him. "It is just for my studies, I don't even know her. Plus, I am not interested in her at all. You do know that I don't like geeky girls. All they talk about is just books or games."

"OK, I'll stop asking." He drank his drink and we parted ways at around 10 pm.

We always met up weekly just to catch up with weekly updates since we are in different schools and now he is a dropout. I came home after doing some last minute shopping at the supermarket just a few buildings away from my apartment. There are a lot of sales at this time as they are about to close for the day and there is still a lot of stock.

I placed the bags of food into the fridge and went to shower. After coming out of the shower, I placed a cup of coffee and lighted a cigarette as I made my way to my desk taking out the work that Na MiWon had given me for the day.

I only told her to give me homework before the academy starts just because we sat beside each other during the first year. But the teacher has already switched our seats and I am supposed to be at the back. That was before I decided to not go to school, I don't even know where I am supposed to sit now.

This is what you get when you don't go to a school that often. You don't even what they place you at in the classroom. Although we don't sit next to each other now, she still gives me every single day and I would give her back all my worksheets every Friday.

She would give it to the teacher to Monday to mark and grade it. That's how I don't lag behind class even though I don't go to a school that often and it is also because of a mysterious tutor that I had engaged on the internet. And yet my family is still worried that I might fail this year's college entrance exams and not go to college. Wait till I get the results and show it to them.

I threw the cigarette in the ashtray and logged into the online tutoring site, ready to do some homework. I wonder if she is online.

Coconut Bunny, you online??

I waited a few seconds her to reply and she did.

Always online. What homework do you have today??

I laid out the worksheets one by one to take a picture of it and sent it to her via my phone. There is also a phone app other than the desktop version.

Do the questions you know first and tell me what questions that you don't know. You did circle the questions that you don't know right??

I looked around with that guilty expression on my face. Actually, Na MiWon was the person that circled the questions that are slightly harder than the rest.

Already done that. Doing the questions now.

I placed my phone down on the table and clicked my pen. Ever since I got tutored by Coconut Bunny, my grades had improved by a lot, from a common C+ to a B+. I had improved by 3 grades in just 5 months all thanks to her.

I wished that she was just next to me so that I can thank her for what she had done. But I don't even know who she is or how she looks like. Ever since JiHoon mentioned her in our conversation just earlier, it certainly made me more curious about her. What if she is just right here?? How would she sound like??

I picked up my phone on the table and texted her via the app.

Just one question, are you a student?? If you are, from which high school??

My Secret Guardian // song minho (#19)Where stories live. Discover now