Chapter 7

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"Congratulations, your daughter survived in the nick of time." I sat down on my bed, still processing what just happened, chanting the same sentence over and over again. I shouldn't be here, I should've been dead. Why am I even alive?? Who was the one who saved me??

I heard the sound of high heels walking towards the room, I laid down on the bed to ignore her. She talks way too much. A lady in her 40s walked into the room with a jug of water in one hand and closed the door with the other. She placed the jug of water on the table and sat down next to me. "Don't ever do it again, you looked so stupid doing this. Why do you have to commit suicide?? What's the purpose of it??"

"Then... What about you?? Have you ever felt like dying even once??" I glared at her. "Have you??"

"Yah!!" She hit me on my shoulder. "You should not think of death. How are you going to take over the business like that??"

"I never wanted to take over the company in the first place, you are the one?? Why didn't you have more children??"

"How can you speak to your mother like that?? I am your mother."

"I never once thought of that. Get lost, you are disrupting my sleep pattern." I said covering the bed sheets over my head.

She sighed. "Fine, I wouldn't come and visit the next time you decided to kill yourself again. I totally missed 2 meetings just for this." She got up and left the room. I just cried under the bed sheets. Why does she not understand the fact that I didn't want to take over the business?? I just want to stay home and not go anywhere.

I wished that I wasn't that smart and people would love me the same.



I looked at the bouquet of flowers that I had brought for Na MiWon, it is not like I like her or anything. It is just a token of respect for someone that got admitted to the hospital. I never told anyone that Na MiWon was in the hospital or the fact that I brought her in. No one would even care if I did tell because she is an outcast and I am the troublemaker.

No one would expect someone like me to bring a depressed teenager to the hospital which turns out to be my seatmate. People wished that she were dead and the whole world would be a better place for it.

But I do care. I really do. What if I am the reason that she decided to kill herself?? I definitely don't want her to haunt me at night. That would be so terrifying.

I originally just wanted to take a look at her and leave but I feel guilty not doing anything much. So I decided to consult my older sister about it in the morning after that. Of course, I wouldn't ask her directly or she would have thought that I am buying something for my girlfriend.

She said to buy flowers or a basket of fruits to visit someone in the hospital. She even wanted to come along, luckily I stopped her in time or else she would be yapping about it all the way. Having an older sister is indeed scary even when you are an adult and live on your own for years...

I got out of the lift and was going to walk straight when I spotted a lady in her 40s walking into Na MiWon's room with a jug of water in her hand. Is she related to her??

I waited for a while and stood outside listening to their conversation. I know that I am being nosy but this is a natural instinct. Humans are busybodies in nature, even gangsters do that sometimes.

"You should not think of death. How are you going to take over the business like that??" She totally sounded like the typical rich mother in school dramas that freaking doesn't care about their children.

"I never wanted to take over the company in the first place, you are the one?? Why didn't you have more children??"

"How can you speak to your mother like that?? I am your mother."

"I never once thought of that. Get lost, you are disrupting my sleep pattern." Woah, this relationship is something... Which daughter speaks to their mother like that??

I heard her mother sigh. "Fine, I wouldn't come and visit the next time you decided to kill yourself again. I totally missed 2 meetings just for this." I immediately hid behind the plants knowing clearly that I am tall and these plants won't help me to hide but I still did. I had no choice.

The lady walked out of the room carrying her clutch in one hand and calling someone on the phone with other. "Yeoboseyo?? I'm coming back right now. My stupid daughter is fine now and..."

I heaved a sigh of relief and peeked into the room. She is now laying down and covering herself with the blankets. I looked at the bouquet in my hand. I can't just throw it away right?? This costs a lot and this will be the last time that I would be buying flowers for a girl, a nerd in fact.

I entered the room tiptoeing in with the tips of my foot and strategically placed the bouquet of flowers in the vase. I was doing fine so far until I decided to sneeze in the middle of it. The sobbing immediately stopped. "Who is there??"

What should I do?? What do I say?? Should I reveal myself to her?? "Emm... I am your saviour, the one that saved you last night." She didn't say anything and wanted to get up.

My lie will get exposed as soon as she sees me, She can't see me. "Don't get up yet, you are still weak."

"I know but I still need to thank you, you are the one that saved me."

"Please don't, I don't really like people thanking me for things like that. I was just there at the right time, someone else will still save you in that situation. And I don't like people staring at my face, I will get scared." Any lies that seemed true will definitely stop her from seeing me. She will hate herself even more if she sees me.

"Then I'll thank you under the bed sheets, that would do right??"


"Thank you so much for saving me." She said and I smiled secretly. Thanks to you too, you made me realize how important is it to save someone from the brink of death.

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