Chapter 32

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I took a sip of my coffee that Minho prepared for me, he served it in a tall glass and a pink straw along with it, following the pink theme of the café that he is working at. It is a nice café to be in, it has a very chill vibe about it. It doesn't have a lot of customers but all the people here are all special as if they are here for a similar purpose.

I looked around the café, there were some high school students revising for their upcoming exams, stress occupying their heads and cups of coffee were piled up at the side, showing how many cups that they have to drink to maintain this focused. I then noticed the difference between me and these students, I never have to study for any exams.

I am an extremely intelligent student and I score high for my exams and I didn't have friends at all throughout the whole 3 miserable years of high school life, no one wanted to be friends with me because I was too smart for them and they feel stupid when they are near me. Due to that, I couldn't have the ultimate highschooler experience and having the need to lock myself up in the house when I have nothing to do after school.

Out of all those people that I have met in high school, only one person noticed me and decided to get close to me, only to get pushed away by me who refused to believe that he was someone who will come to my rescue whenever I am in trouble. He was the one who is always going out of his ways just to see me happy, saving me from all kinds of trouble, including the one where he saved me from that suicide attempt.

If it hadn't been him, I wouldn't have survived till today. I didn't know that it was him until I heard his voice at the hospital, I knew that it was him. He came to visit me after my mother had left for her meeting that ever seem to end, he came with a bouquet of flowers.

He isn't the kind of person to ever buy flowers for anyone and yet he bought it for someone that he didn't like a lot, I was his seatmate for the first 3 months of high school and he looked as if he was going to kill me every day. He couldn't have made his escape if he hadn't had to sneeze right at that moment, he told me to never reveal myself to him.

He wanted everything to be kept as a secret and he didn't want me to look at his face, he said that I would get scared. Now I know why he didn't want to reveal himself to me, he didn't want me to know that it was him so that everything will not change, he can continue to be mean to me and I will continue to be cautious around him.

Except that he changed a total 180 after that accident. He came over to me, taking a seat opposite me as he let out a long sigh. "Man, it is tiring..." He grumbled, he didn't change at all when he was in high school, his voice and all but one thing I was certain about him has changed, his kindness towards people.

It used to be subtle and no one would ever notice it unless they pay attention it to him but these days, he expresses his kindness a little more direct and he wasn't very flustered about it either. It was good to see that change in him, people liked him more now compared to him back then, everyone tried to avoid him as much as possible and labelled him as the big bad guy that has to be avoided at all times.

"How long have you been working here?" I asked him.

He raised one eyebrow in response. "3 months? Why?"

I smiled. "Nothing, I'm just curious. I was just curious what you find this tiring even after 3 months of doing the same stuff."

"Then did you want to have a try at it? Being a Barista is not that easy at all as what you think it is, there is a reason that they need to have to hold certification to make coffee."

My eyes gleamed up. "Can I? I have always wanted to do this so that I can do something like that at home."

He chuckled at my answer, amused by my answer. He was not the only people who are taken away by this, I was too as well. Before I regained my memories, I have already thought that I was this kind of a person all along, someone, who is bright and bubbly all the time no matter rain or shine.

I was someone who rarely expresses any happy emotions, I had little changes to be happy. I was unhappy with everything in my life, I was unhappy that my life was like this until someone jumped in by chance to change it, someone with the title of secret guardian.

The door opened with a clang of the bells and a skinny man appeared behind it, looking for someone. His eyes eventually settled on the man in front of him, he was looking for his friend.

"You're here?" Minho called out for his friend.

"Of course, it is the usual time to take a smoke break along with you." He turned to face me. "You are here as well, MiWon ssi. Are you feeling better already?"

Even though I knew bits and pieces of Minho's life, there are still many things that I have no idea about. For an instance, his friends, the people that he hangs out with. He always would hang out with the gangster that he made friends with in school, often going around the neighbourhood to do some illegal things.

I know that he stopped hanging out with them and quitted the gang according to his older sister who basically told me everything about his school life, he had a few friends after he graduated and he stayed with them until now. I guess that the man in front is one of them.

"Yes, thank you for your concern," I said to him, trying to call his name but I know nothing about his name would be like, Minho didn't tell me much about his friends.

"I'm SungJong, I'm Minho's friend from way back. We first met at the hotel, we often worked on the same shift and we slowly became friends." He introduced himself to me. "Right, didn't he tell you that he saved you once before--"

Minho jumped up from his seat and he slung an arm around the man's shoulder. "We should be going out soon or break is going to end, don't forget that you only have about 30 minutes of break time." He pulled his poor friend out of the café before he even had time to reply.

They went out of the store and a mysterious smile hung on my lips. That's the cutest reaction that I have seen from Minho so far... When is he going to reveal that he is, in fact, my secret guardian from 3 years ago?

A tall and buff man appears at the café, looking for a seat, a lip piercing hanging from his lips. My smile suddenly turned into a frown as I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. Why is he here?

My Secret Guardian // song minho (#19)Where stories live. Discover now