Chapter 8

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I stared at her walking into the classroom looking a bit tired, her lips were very pale. It has only been a day since she was discharged and she came back to school.

For what?? It is not like the school is like a heaven, it is hell and everyone is being forced to go through it because of the government. That's why I decided not to go to school but I did today because I wanted to be.

She sat down next to me and took out a book to read. I bet that she is just reading to look like she has the stuff to do. The people in the class wouldn't bully her if she has something to do. "Good Morning..." I said trying to strike up a conversation with her.

She looked at me and then looked back at her book. How good is the book that she isn't even replying to me?? "What book are you reading?? It seems interesting."

"Go buy one yourself and you would know why." She said. That was the first sentence that she said to me this morning.

The way she spoke to me when I was in her ward that day was completely different. Her tone changes completely. Maybe I was too harsh on her, that's why she is treating me like this?? Is it because of that??

Then I spotted three of my underlings walking into class and walking towards my seat, maybe they wanted to say hello to their boss. "Yah!! Na MiWon!! You having fun reading a stupid book??" The purple-haired one asked him in a mocking tone. I bet that he had never read any books after 6 years old.

Of course, Na MiWon ignored them and continued reading but her expression has changed completely. She doesn't look focused anymore, instead, she looked annoyed and irritated. She wanted them to go away. "The three of you, meet me outside for a while," I said getting out of my seat and walked out of the classroom.

"Ne, Hyungnim..."

I leaned against the lockers and they stood in front of me looking pretty annoyed that they got called out early in the morning. "Hyungnim, why did you come to school today?? Today is not a test day."

"Why?? I can't come to school on a normal day?? You guys hated me so much??"

"No, it is not that. We are just surprised that you came to school and your hair is combed very neatly as if you are ready for school."

"Of course, I am going to school every day from now on."

"You are??"

"Of course, it is my last year here. I have to pass the entrance exams to college no matter what. I'm aiming to go to Seoul university after I graduate."

"Seoul university??" They started laughing like crazy as if it couldn't be done. I smacked each of their heads one by one.

"Sorry, Hyungnim. You will definitely go to Seoul university on the first try."

"Really??" I said, feeling a bit satisfied. I wonder which university Na MiWon would want to go to.

"And one more thing, don't bully Na MiWon when I'm around. I am the only person out of this class that can bully her, I already said it once and you guys just did right in front of me first time in the morning."

"We won't do it again!! Hyungnim!!" They shouted again and I walked back into the classroom feeling so satisfied. Indeed there must be someone in charge of these hooligans even though I am a hooligan myself.


I closed my book and placed my personalized bookmark on the page that I have stopped reading and placed it back into my bag. What long will the teachers even come??

I'm bored and I want the class to start immediately so that everyone will forget that there is someone called Na MiWon in this class and no one will call for me to answer questions as no one will notice me.

I liked being alone myself as loneliness is always with me. No one has ever cared about me, no one has ever asked me if I am OK for once. All they did was to send me money every single month and that's all. They don't even remember my birthday and would always send it a month before my birthday. What kind of a parent are they??

I felt Song Minho next to me and I got up. "Sorry, did I wake you up by accident??" He said and I shook my head.

He really seemed a bit more kind than last week, I wonder what is with him that he completely changed his personality. Before that, he wouldn't even want to stare at me in the eyes nor ask me any questions.

My relationship with him is just me giving him the worksheets whenever I see him at school. It was never more than that, even during the first year of high school, he was with his friends and he never once spoke to me like. Until now...

Was it because he wanted to study for real?? His piercings were replaced with those plastic sticks that probably only cost about 1,000 won per packet. His hair is combed very neatly and his uniform is buttoned in the right way. He looked as if he is ready for his last year in school.

"Is there something on my face??" He asked and I shook my head again.

"Why are you here??"

"I'm going to school every day from now on, I'm never skipping school again." He said showing a genuine smile that made me blush a little. What was that?? Is he smiling??

"Because it is your last year??"

He nodded. "I can't bear to be at home every day, I have to prove that I can study as well. Do I look like the type that studies a lot??"

I shook my head. He laughed awkwardly. "I still seem like a gangster. Anyways, I am the type that is kind and thoughtful, always ready to help other people."

That words, he sounded a bit like the student that I had tutored on that online portal. He said something similar to that and their personality is similar as well. That student also studies at Bundang high school, could it be??

Aye, that is 100% bullshit. How can he be the same person as that hardworking student?? I better think of the future, that's the most important thing for now. What matters is that I have to survive at least this year.

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