Chapter 14

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I couldn't believe what just came out of Na MiWon's mouth and I tried to remember what she just said. She wants to go to the arcade?? Am I hearing things??

"Eh??" I exclaimed and she just chuckled. What a cute chuckle...

"Bring me to the arcade, I don't know any arcades. I'm sure that you know some of them."

She did say arcade... "Are you for real??" I said, surprised that she asked such a thing. Fun and Na MiWon definitely don't fit well together. What is with her??

She smacked me on the side of my head. "Of course. Bring me there or I will go with them, they are still in the vicinity you know."

"Are you sure about that??" I asked again in case that she would regret what she had asked me and to my astonishment, she nodded eagerly and showed her beautiful smile.

"Let's go, they allowed students to go in wearing uniforms right??" She asked with the most innocent face ever. Did she lived in a cave??

"No, we will get caught if we go in there wearing uniforms. So..." I took out my hoodie from my bag and passed it to her. "Wear this, it would be better."

She gave it to me. "Why must I wear your jacket?? Do they smell??"

I rolled my eyes. "I wash them frequently so there is definitely no smell." I bring to my nose and sniffed it. "Yea, no smell." I passed it to her.

She sighed. "Fine. I'll wear it." She brought it over her head and she wore the hoodie but it is a little too big for her. "Don't you think that it is too big?? Can I play well in them??" As soon as you look good in them, I wouldn't care much.

"Of course!! It is my lucky hoodie and I will always go to work in high spirits in them." I replied to her.

Her smile slowly became a frown. "Right, you have work. Don't you have to go right now??"

"I'm on my off day today, let's go before they get crowded," I said and we walked to the nearest arcade game store that I can think of. We entered the arcade and as usual, the music is the thing that attracted people, I kept staring at Na MiWon who is adjusting herself with the loud music and the lights that will blind people if they stared straight at it.

I greeted the owner of the store and he gave me a smile in return, I used to work here before so he and I are on friendly terms. They gave me a key which is for the lockers to put our stuff in so that it wouldn't get lost. 

She placed her stuff into the locker and I locked it shut, she skipped happily to the machines in the arcade and she froze all of a sudden, just standing still not knowing what to do. She didn't know what to play first.

I grabbed her hand and brought her to the racing car machines. "You start here first and then we go to the other games," I told her. "You do know how to play, right??"

"Yes, of course." She sat down on one of the machines. "This is easy..." She said paying for the game using the card that she signed up earlier before we went into the locker room to put our stuff. It is a lifetime membership so she can play with this card for as long as she wants.

She looked up at me and frowned. "Why are you not playing??" My weekly pay will go burst if I play along with her. Plus, these games cost a bomb and you only can play once. It is so not worth it and I don't get those youngsters that spent like thousands every single time.

"I played enough, I will just watch you from the side as you play." I lied to her. I am not like her who can afford to pay 14,000,000 won a hotel room, I am just a very simple person who works because I needed to survive on my own. I don't even spend over 14,000,000 won in one week.

She rolled her eyes and tapped the card to the machine next to her. "Play along with me, it will be so awkward with you just looking at me playing."


"Aren't you supposed to be the fierce one?? Why are you so fussy today??" I wasn't, you were just too weird today.

I sighed. "Fine, don't ever regret. I may beat you at this game."

"You won't." She said starting the game and I became serious as soon as the game started. I am an expert at this game as I have a motorcycle license in real life and real life experience can never compare to someone who never drives any form of vehicle.

"Yah... This is so hard to control!!" She complained as soon as she gets to the difficult part of the game. "How do I do this??" I did nothing but to laugh at her silently in fear that she might hit me if I laugh loudly. She is still the uptight Na MiWon, this is just another hidden side of her that I don't know about and this side of her is very cute and very naive.

"Yah!! Song Minho, you're going way too fast, slow down a little!!" She shouted as I overtook her and became first place.

"I'm not going to do that, I am going to win!!" I said as I drove the motorbike past the last checkpoint of the game and there are only a few seconds before I win but I decide to slow down just a little so that she would catch up and she would win the race. That is my only motive.

She threw her hands up in the air. "Yes, I won!! I won!! I won against a gangster!!" She turned to face me. "Didn't you say that you will beat me at this game??"

"I... My hands slipped at the last second. Why do my hands even slip up?? Aishh..." I lied to her. She would be angry if she doesn't win and I didn't want to ruin her first ever game at the arcade, her first experience at the arcade has to be the best one.

"You can't do that, Song Minho. A gangster has to hold up his image of never losing to a girl." She said and I felt relieved, I'm glad that she accepted my lie. She pointed her finger at the Dance Dance Revolution machines to the right. "Shall we play this next??"

The rest of the day was spent just playing at every corner of the store and I won most of the times since she said that a gangster has to uphold his image, it would be weird if I lose at every single game that we played.

We exited the store at around 7 pm after a long 3 hours of playing. She was smiling all the time and I admit that I feel the same, nothing beats than winning at games and I think that Na MiWon enjoyed playing at the arcade a lot. We are now at the ice cream store just beside the arcade as she wanted to have some ice cream before going home.

"Woah, I never knew that playing is so much fun!!" She said as she takes a bite of her ice cream. "Do you always play like that when you have the time??"

"I have to work these days but it is good to play sometimes. Are you sure that it is the first time that you played in an arcade??"

"Of course!! I only have been studying this whole time and I admit that it is a little bit boring." She said smiling, showing the happiest smile that she can make ever since I first met her in the first year of high school. "I'm glad that I asked you." I wonder how many boyfriends would she have if she smiled like that every single day??

"Na MiWon..." I called her name and she hummed in response.

"Do you think that you can start loving someone??"

"Love someone?? Who??" Me, the one in front of you. I think that I have to make you love me so that you know what love is.

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