Chapter 6

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I cleared up the tables for the guests after they have left eating and the event is over. All of us are cleaning up to make things faster. The cleaners aren't that free to do all that for us, they also got the floors to clean and rooms to clear of.

I placed the chairs in their right places and heaved a sigh of relief. Work is finally over for me and I can't wait to lay down on my own bed and fall asleep. I reached for my phone in my pocket when I realized that I don't have my phone with me. Where the heck is my phone even at??

I searched for every pocket that I have and I found nothing except for some coins. Some stupid guests decided to give me some tips for doing such a good job at serving them. I am a server for goodness sake and I don't wait on tables. Maybe I have placed in my locker before working?? But I still have my phone with me before that guy approached for some favour. It should be at that time.

Knowing me, I would have placed it on a table or tray if I have no other place to put it at. I must have left it on the food tray and forgotten to take it along with me on my way out. I wondered if it is still there, untouched by anyone, especially that high school student that ordered 5 food trays earlier on. Kids these days sure know how to steal stuff better than teenagers 5 to 10 years ago.

I went up the floors going to the suite rooms hoping that my phone is still there. If my phone is not in good condition, I can confirm that I would be threatening that high school student and extorting money from her since she has a lot of money. Phones these days are easily broken and extremely expensive. A few weeks of pay can just be used up by buying a new phone.

I stood in front of the suite room giving it a good knock waiting for some response from the gluttony high school student. No response. I knocked once again in case if she didn't hear the first time and there was no response again. Should I come back in the morning??

But my phone... Show your gangster side and open the damn door, don't care about her at all. All it matters is your phone, you can't risk putting with someone else.

"Sorry, I really have to do this..." I said before opening the door and going into the room.

The room is really spacious as they said now that I have the chance to look at the room for as long as I want. There is a long corridor for whatever purpose it is for and a kitchen with all the kitchen appliances in place but never used. In the main room, there was the bed and the food tray was just next to it. There was indeed my precious phone on that good tray, laying at the edge at the risk of falling anytime.

I took my phone and put in my pocket. Now that I realized, there was no sound coming from anywhere at all. No one was snoring or grinding their teeth. No one was sleepwalking either. The problem is that she wasn't sleeping in the bed, she wasn't in the room this whole time.

Who the hell would buy the most expensive suite room and not sleep in it?? Maybe she is in the bathroom sleeping?? There are people who loved to sleep in bathtubs rather than their soft and comfortable beds.

But she could be showering as well, I never know. It couldn't be as well, there was no water sound coming from anywhere. She was not showering, she is sleeping. I'm sure of it.

Ok, Song Minho... Remember you are just checking if she is in there and not peek at her. You are just making sure if she is still alive, that's all. You wouldn't want someone dead to be in there left unnoticed.

I exhaled my breath and placed my head on the door scanning the room as fast as I can. Indeed no one was showering but I couldn't hear any snoring noises. I stepped into the bathroom and looked around every single part of the room until my eyes stop at the bathtub. There was red water in it, she was committing suicide.

I opened the curtains and almost fainted at the sight that I was seeing. There was a high school student laying naked in the bathtub with both her wrists bleeding. Her face is so pale and so white that the bathroom tiles were the same as her face. She tried to kill herself with the paring knife that I saw earlier on. That guy wasn't kidding at all, she was really trying to commit suicide but there was not enough blood for her to lose to be dead.

And she wasn't just any high school student from any random school, it was Na MiWon the nerd. The one that sat down next to me during freshman year. The one that passed me worksheets every week for the past 3 years.

The one that always first in class and level. The one who always keep away from people and sits in one corner during lunchtime and during the after-school academy. She is that high school student?? She is that rich??

Don't everyone hate her?? If she really does, everyone else would be happy that someone as smart as her dies and there will be no one for them to be that competitive. I should leave her alone right?? Since that, I hate her as well... I should right??

I turned away from her and walked away from the room and then I knew is that I was carrying her out of the room wearing a bathrobe, shouting for help as I made my way down the emergency staircase.

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