Chapter 36

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I smiled as I saw my father enter the house, it has been a week since I have seen him and honestly, I have missed him a lot. I didn't have the best childhood that I wished for, I only had parents who fought at every opportunity that they have, I didn't understand why they feel like this towards each other for. They would always pretend to be living when they around me but after they have tucked me in bed, they will go back to the bickering that would usually last for more than an hour.

I once sneaked out of my own room after I was so frustrated with their shouting, I was curious at why they fought, I was wondering why they have to shout at each other in the middle of the night when they should be sound asleep. My mother was crying her heart out and my father looked really mad as if he was going to kill someone, I was frightened by that and I ran back to my room, I never got to find out the reason why they fought.

They got divorced the week after and I was told that I must never see my father again no matter what, my mother implanted that thought in me and I heed her words, I never saw my father for the rest of my childhood.

My mother changed into another person after the divorce, she never came home looking happy, she was always stressed about her job that she took up after the divorce, she never looked at me and only cared about her job and nothing else. To her, earning money is important than anything else, my happiness didn't matter at all and our relationship drifted apart because of that.

My father only came back into the picture almost 10 years later, after my accident which caused me to cut off from the world for almost 3 years, during that time a lot of stuff happened and out of all of that, my father decided that he would take care of me as an official guardian other than my mother. He didn't remarry my mother, there was no chance of them ever reconciling with each other.

He didn't move in into the household as well, he is still living on his own in an apartment, nothing much changed except that he is here to make my life return to how it was before the divorce happened, it is just without the marrying part. He comes by once a week to have dinner with my mother and me and it is the only thing that I will look forward every weekend, my father is the only person that had made not want to leave this place, seeing my mother's face is a total turn off and ruins my mood whenever I see her around the house.

"Miwon, how's your day? Are you coping well in university?" He asked at the dinner table and my mother immediately cleared her throat. "I was just asking her about her day, it is a simple question. You don't need to ruin the beautiful atmosphere that we are having here, Mdm Goo." It is my mother's surname and he has been addressing my mother as Mdm Goo for the last couple of weeks just to piss her off, she could've been Mrs. Na if they hadn't divorced.

She looked away after rolling my eyes at my father, it's obvious that she hates my father to the core. "I'm doing fine, Minho has been helping me a lot with the lectures although it is a little boring," I whispered the last few words.

That made my father laugh whole-heartedly, I don't ever think that I will get this sort of reaction from the woman of this household, she hardly ever laughs at anything, to be frank. "It can be boring for now but it will be different once you have graduated, I have faith in you that you will do very well. And Minho, he is a really good friend and I like him a lot. Do you think that he can be more than a friend?"

My cheeks flushed at the slight mention, that is the reaction that I would get from these days. "Na Yiseok ssi, he is not a good person. He is someone who has joined a gang before and he is so rowdy and vulgar. I wouldn't want to have someone like that as a son-in-law." She expressed her distaste at Song Minho.

Since the first time that they have met, my mother has never liked Song Minho, she dislikes him because he looks tough, she hates him based on his appearance without even wanting to know him better as a person.

"Song Minho is a great friend to me, he is nothing like you had described him as. Yes, he has joined a gang before but it doesn't mean that he is evil. It doesn't mean if a person looks like someone rowdy, it doesn't mean that the personality is ugly as well." I stopped eating, dropping my utensils on the table, fed up with all her nonsense and I don't want to hear it anymore, she has nothing that I admire about. "You are the one with the ugly personality, I don't know why you are talking about yourself."

"Na Miwon, what is wrong with you these days? What is with your manners? It is all over the place." She thinks that she can control me if she tells me off in front of my father but she can't, I am not her daughter if I am not on the same level as her.

"Go to your room, for now, I will talk to your mother." My father instructs me, stopping the conflict between the two of us.

I stared at my mother for the last time before getting out of the table and wheeling myself to my room where I laid down on my bed, staring into space. I can't believe that she is still being so heartless to her own child, it is like she has given her heart away and the pacemaker is in place of her black heart.

I thought that she would change for the better after she has seen me at my worst but it doesn't seem like that to me, she is still working most of the time and only coming back early just for today because my father requested, if not she would be in her office just working her ass off until there is no more work left for her to do.

I heard a knock on the door and my father peeked his head in, I sat up on the bed wiping my tears away quickly before he would see them. "I saw that, don't try to hide it from me. How would I not know if you are crying or not? Your red nose gives it away so easily and that feature of you never changed since you were a kid."

"Appa..." I stifled a little. "I was told never to show anyone your true emotions so quickly, you will get taken advantage of if you do."

He was amused by this. "Who the heck says that?"

"Your ex-wife, she never allows me to cry in her presence or in front of anyone else."

"That crazy woman..." He sat down on my bed and wiped my tears away with his thumb. "You are not a robot, you are allowed to show your emotions. You are allowed to be happy, you are allowed to be sad, you can cry, you can laugh without anyone judging you."

Sometimes I just wished that I was being under the care of my father and not my mother, he knows me better than my mother who is very money-faced that she has lost all humanity to everything else. "Appa, is it possible?"

"Possible of what?"

"Can I come live with you? I can't stand being around this house with this woman anymore." I feel that I will be loved if I were to live with my father instead of being with my mother, I should have made that decision myself years ago.

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