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The day that you and your best friend has dreamed of has been ruined...

Your parents never allow you to leave the house making this day extra special and the only time for you to relax.

But, your best friend cancels the long awaited plans to spend the day with her boyfriend!?!?

You have been waiting for her over an hour and she sends you a simple message, "Can't make it. Got a hot date with [insert boyfriend's name]".

You are stuck alone at the mall. You have no transport to go anywhere for the next couple of hours.


Places To Go To:

If you are totally unsure of what to do, and pissed at your friend for ditching you; head to the movies. This is probably the only time that you get to pick the movie that you have been waiting to watch, with no judgement whatsoever!

Don't be too embarrassed walking onto the cinema alone, you may run into some of your schoolmates. Either hide or say hi, pick one or they choose for you...

As a bonus of being alone in the movie, more popcorn for you!

The bookstore is another perfect place! Just grab any book that sparks your interest, and head down to the cafe. Order your favourite drink, and dig in to your new book. The time will fly by!

What To Say To Her:

Firstly, she definitely needs to apologise. You both need to have an 'adult' conversation ( try WikiHow, I don't think Double D's writers ever had one to date). An 'adult' conversation wouldn't involve any name calling or screaming matches, we aren't experts but that seems like it is the right thing to say. Make sure that her boy-toy doesn't interrupt the conversation, or else, you decide...

If you guys make up, don't let her know that you forgive her just yet. She needs to make it up to you somehow, and it may often include bags of diabetes!

What Happens If This Isn't The First Time:

If she is head over heels for this guy and does this often, payback is a bitch. You may not realise it, but your time is worth more than second thoughts. Put yourself out there, not for guys but for a friend, someone who wouldn't second guess spending time with you! And also, don't be clingy to her when it comes to her, sometimes you may just have an unhealthy relationship with your best friend...


Always remember, HOLES BEFORE POLES :)

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