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It's a bit weird that we use the saying. "Don't judge a book by it's cover," when talking about others, but totally do that when it comes to actual books. Ah, humans, such a contradicting race.

Any who, that's not the point. The point is, we DO judge books by it's cover, and that's not a bad thing. A book's cover is what we first see and it tells us so much about the book and just how invested the company and writer is to making the story they are trying to sell an eye-catcher. Here on Wattpad, it can tell you a few things about the writers themselves.

Disclaimer: I don't mean to generalize any authors on Wattpad. This is simply based off my own personal experience when it comes to story covers.

A cover can tell your readers what the story is about, what type of atmosphere it has, and who it's demographic is. A story cover is your book's first impression.


Google Play, Apple Store:

The first step to making a good cover, is finding the right app or (if you're editing on a computer) software. There are hundreds out there to choose from, but not all of them are good. Sometimes, it's good to have several apps to switch between since most of the time one app would have a feature another doesn't have. Keep an eye on the reviews as well before you download or buy an app, and don't just read the top ones. You want to make sure you get just the right one that will cater to your needs.

Decisions In The Making:

Now that you've got your app(s), it's time to decide what kind of style you want your cover to have. Often times, you see covers for books that has the exact opposite atmosphere as the story. Now, I'm not saying a brightly coloured cover can't go with a horror story because it can, but those styles are a hit and miss. So make sure that your cover style fits the general feel of your book. That way, readers wouldn't feel as if they got catfished. Trust me, THAT is not what you want your story's first impression to be.

That's Rough:

When you've figured out your style, you can now start making rough drafts. Trial and error is involved in this process. Lots of it. But fear not. You'll eventually get to it. Rome wasn't built in one day, after all. Maybe you can get some input from a friend, or maybe a complete stranger! You gotta do what you gotta do for some good feedback sometimes.

Fun Times, Peeps!:

While making covers can be a serious task, there's no shame in playing around. Try something wild, do something weird. Who knows, maybe you'll stumble across the perfect cover! Or maybe you'll get inspiration for a new story. Whatever the case, take some time to have fun.


Any comic fans in the house?

Anyways. You might have noticed that sometimes, writers change their story covers around here on Wattpad, and most of the times it's for the better! So, go ahead and make multiple covers if you can, or if you want! It's better to have more than less sometimes.


I hope these tips helps you guys! Go knock yourselves out!

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