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Aaah. The joys of the park.

A place where dogs and dog owners alike meet together to walk their precious creatures and interact with other creatures.

Such fun, unless they are fighting or...

Until you realise your dear little Fluffy is walking suspiciously slowly, sniffing the ground in circles.

And then. The worst of worst of worst of worst thing happens!

Fluffy must've had a really big lunch...

Only problem is, you have no "equipment" to clean up after your little spotted friend.


Um, Excuse Me:

There's no harm in asking, a fellow dog owner if they have a bag for your dogs BIG business. Someone there has too have a bag!

Camouflage 2.0:

Time to put your childhood sand skills to use. This is super gross, depending on whose point of view this is from... Cover Fluffy's chocolaty goodness with sand, you might just invent a new dessert while doing so! Ensure that the poop is well hidden. And walk away. Continue with your day as normal, that is if your guilty conscience doesn't catch up with you. But surely lots of people do this.

Rock, Leaves, Sticks:

If walking up to a total stranger is stressful, then make do with God's gift. The park is full of sticks, leaves, rocks and bushes. This is probably completely unnecessary but try to move it to an area, such as a bushy area - where no one walks and dispose of it there. As a bonus the poop will probably help the bush grow big and strong one day! That's a lot politer than just leaving it for a dog's paw to be ruined, or the owner's white chucks. That's the worst crime of all!

"Omg", Words Of An Airhead:

Casually glance around, you may notice another dog of similar stature to Fluffy. The only difference is, Fluffy 2.0's owner is completely absorbed in her cellphone and she seems to have the means to clean up after her dog even though she's a bit blonde. In that case, blame it on her. It relieves you of the responsibility, Fluffy is relieved and the mess gets cleaned up. You win, and she learns a lesson, or not.

Time To Dash:

Find a new park for you and Fluffy to visit. Or just stick to walks around your neighbourhood. Lay low for a bit. That way, if anyone saw you, it gives them plenty of time to forget.

Note: Depending on the size of your little friend, picking him up is always an option-just have a believable explanation ready in case suspicions arise, such as forgetting your phone so your world is practically over!



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