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Well...this is sorta embarrassing.

And a lot mortifying.

There's a reason you never did this in public. It was the unspoken rule, for crying out loud!

But the "story" was too good to put off, so here you are!

Reading smut at school...and your crush just saw. The poor thing doesn't seem to know what to make of it!

And now he probably thinks that you're some Dylan O'brien perv! You might be, but that's beside the point.


Black Magic:

Hey, we all wanted to be Harry Potter at one point in our life. Or maybe you just wanted to be a magician. Whatever the case, it's time to tap into those abilities. Doesn't matter it never worked before. Maybe this time it will! Whip out the old I-hopus-u-forgetus! Or the classic groundu-please-open-upus. And my personal favorite: you-saw-nothingus.

Pants on Fire:

Lying is never really a good option. BUT FOR NOW IT IS!! So, go ahead, you have my permission to lie through your teeth. Your friend sent it to you. You were dared to read smut in a public setting. You had no idea it would turn into smut. 

If that isn't believable enough, go big!

The devil on your shoulder told you to do so. You were dying and wanted to read one last smutty story, this I don't suggest you use unless extremely desperate. An angel of the lord came down from heaven and told you to read smut.

Maybe if you got ridiculous enough your crush will forget what you were making excuses for. Best case scenario they just go back to what they were doing. Worst case scenario they loose all respect for you.


Okay, so your crush is giving you weird looks now. Well, fear not! Because now is the time for you to take a stand! So what if you got caught reading smut? That should be nobody's business! Especially not your crush! Who cares if your crush thinks it's weird? If they can't accept you for who you are and what your hobbies are, then maybe they aren't meant for you. There are plenty of fish in the sea! Go forth, and continue reading smut as you fish for the right person who wouldn't judge you!

Out of Sight:

Obviously, you've made a miscalculation. It was a mistake reading smut in school, and now that your crush caught you, there's no going back! Or is there? Instead of freaking out, just slowly slip your phone, or book, or whatever you were reading smut on, back into your bag, turn back to your crush and ask them how their day has been going. Maybe they'll feel so awkward they wouldn't hesitate to answer. Or if your crush is a little shit, they'll tease you for it. If they do, then just roll with it, and maybe dare them to read smut. You can still salvage the situation!

Of Similar Interests:

Hey, not all situations would end up being awkward! Turns out your crush is quite interested in what you're reading! Then in that case, let them have at it! This could be something the both of you could bond over, and before you know it, you might end up dating! If not, then hey, you have a new smut-buddy! Heavens know we need more of those.


Welcome to Wattpad. A community of smut lovers.

We personally think NSFW artworks are worse than fanfiction. That is wayyyyy more revealing and much harder or explain. The guy must be a creep for reading what was on your screen in the first place. Personal space is a requirement.

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