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You: But Mommy, my feet are gonna fall off!

Mother: These children of these days, all they want to do is shop online. They don't know how much we used to walk in my day...

Mother continues rant for about 20 minutes.

You: Can I just go sit in the book store? While you continue your adventure.

Mother: Ugh. Just go, you are slowing me down anyway.

The feeling suddenly comes back to your legs, you sprint to the book store...

✖️2 Hours Later

For once, you have somewhat enjoyed your shopping trip with your mother. You found yourself falling in love with the hunky main character and the incredible author. You can't put the book down but then your stomach begins to growl, vanquishing the silence in the store.

You flush with embarrassment from all the glares you have received from your fellow bibliophiles.

Heading to the food court, you grab some frozen yoghurt with as many toppings possible... And what your wallet allows.

Just as you are about to take your first bite of that unbelievably expensive yogurt, you suddenly have this weird feeling in your whole body...Your Spidey sense!

Your eyes frantically search the area, looking for something unnatural, and there it is!

A man with a bright green jacket is standing right behind you. But this isn't the first time you saw him...

He was sitting across you in the book store. Then looking at the menu in the frozen yogurt except he didn't order anything....

Could he be following you?


Detour Station:

Make sure that he is following you, before you start panicking. Just simple head into a large clothing store and walk around. Think of the store as a maze, and run out of there (A/N: Get it? Come on, puns are hilarious).

Come On, Pick Up:

Try calling your mother, how far can she be? If she doesn't answer, message your smartest friend, and ask them for advice. If you are that friend then direct them to Double D's. But keep trying to call your mom, throughout your great expedition.

Where's The Party At:

Go to the most crowded place in the mall. It would be easier to lose this creep. And its near impossible to kidnap you in a crowded area. And if he comes anywhere near you, scream like a banshee!

No Bathroom Breaks:

NEVER GO TO THE BATHROOM! The bathroom could be empty, and you will never know if he is still waiting outside. He might even decide to come into the bathroom... Remember to stay clear of deserted places.

Go Big Or Go Home:

For all you brave warriors out there, who know the basics of self-defence, embrace your inner violent goddess. Go up to this creep and ask him, "DO you have a tampon?". This man will most likely be confused, so when he looks at you funny kick him in the balls or gouge out his eyes! Runnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!

Be safe, carry pepper spray and call the cops.

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