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"Alright, I'm gonna do my homework, then I could watch all the cat videos I want- Ooh! Puppies!"

We got to admit it, guys... there's just those days where we have the hardest time to concentrate on working, especially if it's school related.

There's just so many ways we can stray from doing what needs to be done; electronics, noisy neighbours, pets running around. You name it, it could be a distraction.

Well, fear not, my dears! That's what this chapter is for!

Crash course in Concentration 101:


To be able to actually get in that zone where the outside world fades into the background, and all we're focused on is how many capillaries there are in our bodies, we must actually want to concentrate on our work. We cannot go into this half-assed and expect a positive result. If you fail to do this, none of the following tips will work for you.

So remember, you got to WANT that concentration!

Perfect Two:

Now that you've reached peak wanting to concentrate, it is vital that you work somewhere you're comfortable with. No matter where that is: your room, the local library, a café - I know, so cliché, but you get the idea. My philosophy is, if you have homework to do, might as well do it someplace where you won't get back aches. Settle into your comfort zone, but not too much, we can't have you falling asleep.

Let Bygones, Be Bygones:

As mentioned at the beginning, there's a lot of things out there that can prove to be a distraction. So when you find that comfort spot of yours, make sure you set aside and out of sight any potential distractions. Electronics are tricky little buggers since they play a big part in our day-to-day lives, with our emails, music, and contacts. So just make sure to strengthen your resolve against any temptation to bunny trail on your phone or laptop.

Zombie Nation:

Yes, electronics can be distractions if you let them, but they can also help you concentrate with a pair of earbuds or a headset. Sometimes, we just need some white noise to block out everything else around us, and YouTube is filled to the brim with such things - white noise, brown noise, studying ASMRs...okay, ASMRs can be mega distracting and they're not everyone's cup of tea, so just be cautious of that last one. However, don't be afraid to explore what your preferred BGM is. Just...don't spend too much time exploring either. I suggest looking a day or two before you have a study session so you can get right into your work.

Positivity is Key:

Now that you're all set to tackle that mountain of homework, it's important to remember one thing: don't think of how hard it's going to be. If you go into it with that type of mindset, you might as well throw everything about concentration out the window. Again, it's a cliché, but stay positive. You may never use this knowledge in the future, but it's always better to be knowledgeable than a fool.


When life gives you lemons! You can make a 100% Concentrated Lemon Juice. Just saying.

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