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It's been four long, excruciating years, and you finally have the pleasure of leaving the God-forsaken place known commonly as high school. It certainly has felt like forever, and you can rest know that you finally have earned your freedom. Congratulations, dear reader.

Sure, you could just graduate and move on like a normal person, but where's the fun in that? You, dear reader, are special, and special people don't live in mediocrity. No, they stand out.

And what better way to stand out than the classic senior prank? Buckle up kiddos, today we're going to be covering the infamous high school escapade.

You see, cool kids stay in school. And maybe you think that that's because they need an "education" or whatever. Today we're here to tell you that these kids are cool because they stay around long enough to get to pull off a senior prank. However, it should be noted that an education still is very important... but senior pranks are a nice bonus too.


Cup art: 
If you've ever seen any senior prank memes, you definitely seen the classic "placing cups filled with water in passageway with only one exit" prank. The beauty of this prank is that, while it's a bit annoying to the recipient, it's harmless. No dangerous chemicals or crazy traps, just the pleasure of inconveniencing and possibly pissing someone off. Bonus points if you place the cups in a geometric pattern. The symmetry of it can be mesmerizing, and it'll be a great excuse if you get caught. Who can refuse art? We at the Double D's sure can't, and we say shame on the teacher than can't recognize the beauty of carefully placed cups. Of course, you could also place the cups with not a care in the world. 

Student trap: 
Do you know another senior class? Specifically a class that would be willing to pull a switcheroo? If you can convince your whole class and the other class to participate, you could totally switch up your schedules. It would be a fun change of pace for both sides, AND you can reenact your favorite 90's Lindsay Lohan movie. Sure it's on a larger scale, but that only makes it more majestic and impressive if you pull it off.  It could be within the same school, but if you're feeling more extra on that particular day, you can branch out and use another school. The teachers won't notice the obviously different crowd of people, right?

Sticky situation:
Grab all you friends, because it's time for a "joyride" down to your nearest supermarket. If you couldn't tell already, you're going to sticky note some unfortunate teacher. Depending how much time and people you have, you can really go all out. Sticky note some desks, the wall, the door, their car— literally any surface in sight. General rule of thumb is that if it has any exposed area, it's getting a small square of paper stuck to it. Feeling extra cheeky? Do what the sticky note was made for and leave a note. Bonus points if you include small drawings too. 

Inside Job:
You know what the greatest pranks are? The ones that are personalized. Of course you could always go with the generic pranks that have been done a thousand times, or you could go with something that will really remind you favorite teacher or principal that you truly are capable of remembering information of some sort. Inside joke pranks are always the best— especially if you have a good natured teacher who will laugh along. Maybe it isn't something huge or upscaled, but it's the thought that counts. Or, you could remind yourself that as you're placing shark-themed objects around the room.

What would you do as your senior prank? My grade was banned from doing anything :(

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