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It boiled my blood... Practically evaporating it!

I wanted to scream and shout at the laptop screen in front of me, blaming the show's producers for making me feel empty- simply without a meaning in this lonely world.

Nothing will be the same. The plot that was once intriguing and had me drawn to the light of my laptop screen no longer had the same moth- to-the-flame effect on me. I was on the verge of crying over the death of my favorite character.


Chill Out:

Eat some frozen yogurt or stuff it up with some delicious ice cream that could frost your worries up and you'll no longer feel any emptiness. Unfortunately this method could work temporarily and the rush of emptiness will sneakily swirl its way to you. But don't forget your sprinkles. We Double D writer's like to keep things professional so, caution: Ice-cream can be expensive, so get your own cow and start creaming it!

Breaking Free With A Notepad:

Let all of those negative thoughts break free onto the page sitting in-front of you. When you're letting the words flow out of you, you're going to feel much better. Here is when the psychological aspect comes in. Our brain is like a hard-drive. It stores chunks of information that we have taken throughout the day so by writing it down it helps the brain to unload the baggage, making some space for other things. Simply, break it free with your favorite pen!

Accept It And Digest It:

You have no control of how your favorite TV show, movie or book will end which means you are restricted to how the plot will roll out. If the character that you have become so fond of is killed off, you're going to have to accept the fate. Whoever was the producer, he didn't hold the same mental relationship with that character and you're going to have to be that good child and digest it even when it hurts you every time you think of it.

So I'm Moving On, Letting Go:

We are no longer restricted to the shows/movies that are displayed on our TV's. We were given more freedom as to choosing what kind of media we are wanting to watch. If something isn't what we thought it will be, just move on to something else. Not trying another movie or a book could result in us missing out on better things. Be picky and choose what YOU want to watch or read.

Just Wattpad It:

Now you're thinking what that means? Is it some kind of a game for Wattpad that hasn't launched yet? The answer is a no. On Wattpad we have learnt to create our own beginning and ending to a story, adjusting the plot to fit our own personal tastes. So your mind travels back to the time when you were sitting on your couch, watching your tv show while bawling your eyes out. The ending was horrible! You even wanted to call police on the movie producer for ruining your life! So then an idea strikes. Adjust that ending to fit your own preference and fulfill that empty hole that has been left by the unsatisfactory ending!


We don't think death threats will bring your favourite character back. So don't threaten anyone, unless they can't prove it :)

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