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It's happened to everyone at least once before, and if it hasn't happened to you yet, then your days are numbered! What is this doomsday event, you may ask?

You find yourself at the end of your friend's anger, and it wasn't even your fault!

Whatever the situation may be, there's going to be a day (or days) where you'll be falsely accused for something you had no hand in, or a situation you had no control over.


Supreme Council:

Surely you have another friend who knows of your lack of involvment in the events that just happened. Get to them before your other "friends" could and convince them it was all your fault and have a meeting. Never underestimate the power of meetings. Make sure to get all your facts right and tell the complete truth. Hell, make a dossier if you have to! You need to be prepared before you make your case in A Court of Falsely Accused FRIENDS (A/N: SJM anyone?)

Go forth and win your case!

Truth Seeker Ball:

With this solution what you will need is sheer willpower... And maybe it's time to tap into your hidden talent of persuasion? Trust me, you're gonna need it. Why, you may ask? It should be pretty darn obvious, dear reader. YOU'RE GONNA MAKE SURE YOU GET IT THROUGH YOUR FRIEND'S THICK SKULLS THAT WHAT HAPPENED WAS NOT YOUR FAULT IN ANY WAY OR FORM AND IF THEY INSIST ON BEING PIG HEADED FOOLS, on to the next tip.

Final Space:

Sometimes it's best to leave some things be to just cool off for a second. Let yourself and your friends calm down. For now, just let it go (no, don't you dare start singing that song, or I will send an assassin your way!). Let it go and relax, talk to that one person you know but aren't really friends with yet because you haven't really gotten to know them properly. A change of scenery is always ideal. There's absolutely nothing wrong with not talking to your other "friends." You'll know when it's time to celar the air.

A Game of Shadows:

(A/N: Someone make awkward_tumbleweed happy)

Have a discussion with your friend, making it clear that you are innocent! If she refuses to believe then fear not, for all hope is not yet lost! For this step, you'll need to channel your inner Sherlock Holmes and find out who was really the culprit in all of this.

Was it a random person? Or was it someone close? Was it the janitor from the mall? Or was it your neighbor's cat that has made it its life goal to make you miserable?

Whoever it may be, we send you off with the power of deduction.

Worth It:

Hey, maybe none of the above will prove to be helpful (I'll be personally surprised if they do), and honestly, you don't want to deal with all this crap anymore. That's understandable. Friendships are made and broken everyday around the world. You're not the only one, so there's no shame and walking away. Own up to it! Show those around you that you're not afraid to move on from people who claim to be your friends but act otherwise.

The Kids Are Alright:

Because there's plenty of other people out there, and if you give some of them a chance, you might find a lifelong friendship.

The great thing about new friends is that they bring new energy to your soul

- Shanna Rodriguez"

This chapter was littered with soooo many references! Anyone get them?

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