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No matter if you're a fan or not there will come a day where you will encounter a game day. Especially if you're dorming in college.

Several things comes into play on game day: rivalry, and a competitive atmosphere. One word can make you both temporary enemies and allies. It is a serious matter, and thus should be handled with seriousness.


The Environment:

Each sport out there has it's own types of atmospheres. While most of them involve a whole lot of shouting and cheering, there are some sports that require its watchers to be quiet, or amicable. Make sure you're aware of the environment the sport you'll be watching has, and prepare appropriately. Do your research. Are you allowed to bring signs? Is there a chant for the team you're rooting for? Are air horns acceptable? It always pays to be knowledgeable.

I Choose You:

Who are you going with? It is important that you choose wisely who will be with you as your group generally sets the mood for what type of shenanigans you'd get up to or be in. Generally when you watch with friends, the wild side in us comes out, while we become more subdued with our family. Though that's not the truth for everyone. Keep in mind who you'll have most fun with when deciding qho to go with.

Football or Soccer?:

As we established earlier, it's important to know what sport you'll be watching and what are allowed and not allowed. However, aside from that, it is also important to know more in depth information. Such as, who they're playing against, a brief background of key players, and most importantly, who you're favourite is. Trust me, when people start asking you questions, you'd be thankful for the seemingly trivial knowledge.

Hello Neighbour:

Ever heard the saying, "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you?" Attitude is important when watching games. Whether you're watching it live or at home. There's nothing wrong with cheering when your team or player scores, but be mindful of others around you. I know, sometimes (i.e. most of the times) the favor won't be returned, but at least you'll come out of the situation as the decent human being.

Good Times:

Despite all these do's and don't's and unspoken rules when it comes to game day, it is of absolute importance that you remember THE number one rule of sports: Have fun! It's not always about winning. It's sometimes just simply about living in the moment.


Stay healthy and happy college football fans! May your favorite team win!

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