Gaten Matarazzo ~ Fangirl

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I walk down the street laughing with my best friend Lia. We are on our way to the cinema to go watch my cousin Rachel.

"Ahh, have you seen Finn Wolfhard's Glo up since stranger thing!?" Lia Squeak's

"Yes, he has had a huge Glo up." I admit, "But what about Gaten's Glo up, no one seems to notice that!"

"Umm that's because he isn't that attractive" Lia scoff's (I hate myself for writing that but I had to, please don't murder me )

"What did you just say?" I scream (triggered)  "He is absolutely gorgeous!"

"Whatever you say," Lia says rolling her eyes

We near the cinema and get our tickets and popcorn, our movie only starts in 20 minutes so we sit down.

I scroll through Instagram and see a picture of Gaten Matarazzo, I shove my phone in her face, "How the hell can you say he isn't drop dead gorgeous?"

"Agh, why are you so obsessed with this kid" Lia asks

"Do you want to hear this?" I ask

"No actually, I Don't- "Lia starts but I interrupt her.

"I am going to tell, you anyway I love Gaten Matarazzo because -"

"Wait, stop." Lia says with wide eyes.

"No! Shut up and listen,"I say. "I love Gaten not only because he is super attractive, he is also really, really kind to his fans. He raised a lot of money for CCD, and he really does have the best smile," I end off, dreamily

"Wow, this guy seems lucky to have a fan like you," A  voice says, behind me.

"No, I am lucky to be able to stalk a guy like him-" I start as I turn around, but stop dead, in the middle of my sentence because there, more beautiful than ever, was Gaten Matarazzo.

My mouth falls open, and I go bright red, "um I, uh, I didn't say stalk," I blurt out like a stupid idiot.

Gaten just laughs and sits down next to me, I am still in complete shock.

"Why didn't you warn me?" I question Lia, with a panic to my voice

"Hello,I tried but you just too passionate about him." She giggles pointing to Gaten.

Shut up I mouth to her.

"I am so sorry Gaten," I say, "I must sound like such a freaky stalker."

"You are," Lia mumbles, But just loud enough for Gatan and I to hear. I shoot her a deadly look

"Haha, it's fine, really," Gaten says smiling " I am really lucky to have a fan like you, can I take a picture with you?" he asks me.

"you, want a picture with me?"I ask confused

"If that's alright?" he asks

"um, of course!" I smile

He laughs and pulls out his phone and puts his arm around me for the picture, but it still gives me goose bumps, he smells so good like toasted marshmallows.
I smile for the picture, what's your Instagram name he asks me? I tell him my name and a few seconds later, I get a notification.

gatenm123 has requested to follow you.

I accept suddenly, realising that this is actually happening before I can say anything else to Gaten, I get another notification.

gatenm123 has tagged you in a post, I open it and see the picture of me and him and under  it says:

So lucky to have met an amazing person like this one here, thanks for a good laugh! 💓💓

"Oh my god Gaten you have no idea how much this means to me!" I exclaim hugging him without thinking. Surprisingly he hugs back.

"Excuse me but it's time for the movie,"Lia says to me.

"Uh, right, what movie are you watching?"I ask Gaten hopefully

"Oh, none actually I just came to get popcorn," He says Giving me a gorgeous, goofy smile.

I can't help laughing.

"It was amazing meaning you, this has honestly been the best 10 minutes of my life." I say

"It was awesome meeting you too!" Gaten says smiling.

"Bye,"I say as I get pulled away by Lia, "The movie has started already!" she moans.

later that evening

I get into bed still buzzing from the day I just had, I pull out my phone and look at the picture of me and Gaten reading the caption over and over again.

Suddenly I get a DM

gatenm123: I had a really fun time with you today and I was wondering if maybe you might want to hang out sometime, hope this isn't too forward.

I scream and jump up and down on my bed then I reply

You: um, hello you are asking your number one fan you want if they want to hang out, what do you think the answer is going to be!?

gatenm123: I will take that as a yes?

You: yes, yes you Will

gatenm123: well that's just awesome

I smile at my phone knowing that my life has just changed forever

This was terrible but I am starving and I had to write it quickly because it's late already, So sorry if there are a hundred mistakes, I promise I will try a lot harder next time!

please let me know what you want to see on these one shots, and if you actually read all of this, then I love you so much ❤️❤️❤️

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