Eddie kaspbrak ~ Pennywise

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Stop trying to correct me on his hight, this isn't a Jack x reader, this is Eddie, and Stephen king, the creator of this character described him as a short skinny boy... thank you.


I shrike as Pennywise throws my best friend Beverly across the room. "Stop, please!" I shout as I run over to Beverly's side she slowly stands up but is clutching her arm and crying in pain, I know it's broken and I quickly grab her around the waist pulling her towards the exit of the sewers, I hear all the other losers fighting IT, I lay her down. "stay here, I'll be back."

"Y/N," Beverly says looking at me with worry-filled eyes. "Make sure everyone comes out."
I nod blinking back tears. "Promise," I say then turn around and run back in, I take my little sister's  bow from around my neck, it's supposed to be a toy, but last week we made adjustments, I took all the arrows and sharpened the edges.

Everyone has their own weapon, Stan has cherry bombs, Ben has a homemade spear, Mike has fire crackers, Bill has a wooden sword but has wrapped it with his mothers silver necklaces , Beverly was using a wrist rocket, Richie and Eddie are using pocket knives and like I said I have a bow and Arrows.

"is Beverly okay?" Asks Bill as we watch Stan light a bom and just miss IT

"she's fine." I say. "Mike light a firecracker!" he does what I say and throws it at IT's feet, it explodes making Pennywise scream. I aim an arrow at him, but he throws his hands up at the impact of the firecracker and its hits his hand.

He screams even louder making me shiver, IT Screaming is the worst sound you can ever hear. 
I'LL KILL YOU, I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!! he shrieks pulling out the arrow.

"Get a new line champ," Richie says charging at IT but, but Pennywise is too fast, he swats Richie making him fly across the room.

"Richie!" Screams his best friend, Eddie. he runs up to Pennywise.

"This is battery acid you swine!" Eddie says taking out his Inhaler and spraying it in Pennywise's face. He starts screaming again and clutches his face.

"Ben Give me the spear," I say Ben nods and throws it at me, I catch it and run over to the clown.

I give Eddie a hug. "Good Job my spaghetti," I say he looks at me blushing, then does something unexpected, he kisses me, I Jump, but kiss him back instantly, having to bend down because he is about half the size of me and I'm short, so that's saying something

"How many times have I asked you not to call me Spaghetti?" he asks smiling sheepishly
"More than I can count."

"I love you Y/N." He says. I smile and blush, I open my mouth to say something, but then I see Pennywise walking towards us. "Eddie move." He obliges and runs behind Pennywise to help Richie.

I throw the spear, but the clown disappears, and the spear doesn't stop, I start to scream for him to move, but it's too late, the spear hits him right in the stomach, he slowly grabs it with his tiny hand and pulls it out, I stand there shocked everyone has stopped fighting and is staring, besides Bill, who has stabbed Pennywise and the monster is on the floor dead, he turns around with a smile on his face, which quickly disappears and is replaces by shock.

I start to hear a scream and realise it's coming from me, I rush over and pick up the small boy in my arms. "I'm sorry," I sob. "I'm sorry."
"Your a-alright Eddie Spaghetti." I hear Richie say from behind me, I turn and see his eyes filled with tears.

Eddie smiles. "Don't call me that Richie."  he then looks at me a tear trickling down his cheek. "I Love you Y/N.," he says placing his thin fingers on my cheek.

I start sobbing. I feel his body go limp. "I love you too," I say, buts its too late he's gone he didn't hear me and he will never know how much I love him.

"Y/N," Ben says. touching my shoulder.

"NO!" I scream as Richie tries to take him out my arms. "Y/N you can't carry him," Richie says trying to be strong.

"NO, NO," I scream. "I KILLED HIM, THIS IS ALL MY FAULT," I say as I Put Eddie down and grab his Cheek. "I love you so much spaghetti, come back to me, please, you know I always liked you, sometimes I even plan our wedding, isn't that silly?" I say sounding like a crazy person.

"I am so sorry Y/N" I hear Stan say behind me crying

"It's not your fault," Richie says reassuringly. "it's that things fault," he says pointing to the clown with anger and pain in his voice

Buts he's wrong because I threw that spear, Pennywise couldn't have made me do that, and now I have killed Richie's best friend,  Mrs Kaspbraks only son, I have taken away one of the purest and kindest beings in this world, I have taken away the love of my life.

I have killed Eddie Spaghetti.

Hey, guys!

Sorry if you found this sad, I was basically crying writing it.

But, I Love you guys! 💓

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