Mike wheeler ~ Daydreamer part 3

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Hope this is okay and sorry for changing it a bit

I sit in my room doing homework and listing to the clash when I hear laughing outside, I walk over to my window and see 6 kid riding down the road laughing. I feel a pang of hurt in my chest when I relies it's my old friends I haven't spoken to them in about 6 months ever since that stupid girl, Eleven, arrived things changed. I lost my only friends.
They all seem happy though Lucas has a girlfriend called Max, Dustin seems fine by himself, and Mike? He has Eleven.
I sigh and walk away from the window trying to push  the thought of them aside.
After about two more hours of studying there's a knock at the door,
  I run down stairs and open the door,
My smile drops when I see who it is, it's Mike, my old, almost, kinda boyfriend. I close the door but he slips his foot in stopping it.
"I'll break you foot," I say through gritted teeth.
"Y/N can you please just hear me out, you've been ignoring me for 6 months!" He says,
I feel my angry bubbling inside me,
"Ignoring you? Ignoring you! Your one to talk!" I scream
"What are you taking about Y/N?" He ask confused stepping inside my house.
  "Ever since that stupid girl arrived you stopped caring about  me! Do you know what that feels like? I loved you Mike, I really loved you!"
He looks at me with tears in his eyes, 
  "That's not true, I always loved you,"
He says "I still love you."
"Your dating Eleven!" I scream in his face,
"I broke up with her this morning, I never loved her."
"I lost my only friends because of you," I say staring to cry now
"I'm sorry, I'm  so sorry," he says, then he does something unexpected he leans in and kisses me, I melt into it and suddenly all my anger disappears, I fall in love again, but I don't know how it happens, because  i never fell out of love, my heart will always lie with the boy who called me his daydreamer.


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