Sophia Lills ~ Chruch

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I'm sorry for not uploading for awhile, if I ever don't again, please note that I will come back, sometimes I'm just to busy to write this, I'm sorry, also I'm just getting over a really terrible virus and fever

BTW trigger warning

I walk in through my church doors next to my best friend Sophia, I smile at her, but she looks uncomfortable, she manages a small smile, I frown. "What's up buttercup?" I ask trying to make her smile, "nothing." She mumbles looking down, "this church is really fun, I promise." I say patting her arm. She nods but still looks nervous. I know she's never been to church before because her parents aren't religious, unlike mine, who always try to get her to come with us to church and finally she came.

We take seats right at the front, she looks at at the band and her face lightens up, she loves music.
I find my eyes trailing over her while she's not looking, her gorgeous red hair that makes me so jealous her freckles on her face and the white dress she is wearing gives me goose bumps, and fills me with yet another pang of jealousy.

Soon the priest walks onto the stage and smiles at everyone, I feel uncomfortable when he's gaze rests on me and Sophia for a little longer than normal. "We're going to start off with some music" he says and then walks off stage again the church band walks on and a girl who looks about 30 but still has braces and and wears granny like clothes with long greasy brown hair tiged into a low pony tail walks over to the microphone and starts to sing, she has a voice like an angle and soon the band joins in, making the most beautiful music you have ever heard, I look over at Sophia and she looks likes she's about to start crying I don't think she even cares that the songs about how much god loves you. lol sorry don't know any Christian music.

After about half and hour of songs the priest reappears on stage, the band walks off and he smiles at the crowd and then starts to speak "today I'm going to be addressing a very important matter in today's youth." He looks at me in the eye as if he is about to preach about what a terrible person I am, I gulp and start to get nervous I don't even know why, I have done anything wrong.

"Today  isn't going to be a nor preach about god, but instead about those who betray him"

I know I haven't betrayed him in anyway, I pray to him every night and before every meal, and I always come to church.
"The people who betray god are those who go against the natural way and like the same gender."

My blood runs cold, I feel faint and want to run out of the church but I know I can't because then people will think I'm a queer and I'm not, I'm not, I'm not I don't like girls so I don't need to feel scared, but why do I feel scared then?

I look over at Sophia and see tears in her eyes, why is she crying is she one of those queers who betray god?

I stand up and grab her hand pulling her up.
"Excuse me, where do you think your going?" The priest asks.
"Umm.. girl problems." I say innocently.
He looks at me before nodding as if to say you can go, not that I asked for his permission.

I lead Sophia out the church and into the girls Bathroom, I shove her into a stall.
"Why were you almost crying?"
I say crossing my arms angrily.
"Are you a queer?" She looks up at me and bursts into tears, my heart breaks and I forget that I'm supposed to be angry I bend down and comfort her letting her cry into my shoulder, I feel terrible for how I am talking to her, she looks up at me her usually bright happy eyes, now filled with sadness, and for one terrible moment I hate the church and my god, for what they doing to my best friend.
"I can't lose you" she says looking me in the eye, "you won't." I find myself saying even though I shouldn't, I should hate her, but how can I hate the kindest girl in the world, the most beautiful girl in the world. I shake off these thoughts. I look down and Sophia who is now sitting on the toilet wiping her tears. I can't break my gaze from her and I get this feeling in my stomach, it's like a million butterflies are flying around. I then realize that I shouldn't have this feeling, not for a girl at least, it's not right and I'm going to rot in hell, but that's when I realized it's Sophia, and I would rot in hell for all eternity if it means making her happy.

Look who's the queer now.

Mm, this isn't good, but part 2 or no?

Love you all 💕

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