Sam ~ Meeting the IT cast

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I walk into comic con and sight looking at the long que to meet the IT cat, of course they the only reason I came, there my idols, I stand in line and wait we'll the queen slowly moves forward.
There are only is one person in front of me nod and I start to feel really nervous, I tug on my selves and straighten my shirt,
As the person moved away and I see my idols I smile and hold back tears,
"Hi what's your name?" Sophia asks sweetly, "I'm Sam," I say as she signs the IT poster and passes it to the rest of the cast,
"Would you like a picture?" Finn asks.
I nod and hand him my phone, while doing so my long sleeve slips up and he sees my self harm scares.
I quickly pull my shirt down and look away so I don't have to see that look everyone gives you when they see it.
"Okay, smile!" Finn says as he snaps a photo,
I put my hand out for my phone,
"Hold on, one sec," Finn says
"Um...okay." I say
Finn then hands me my phone back,
"It was nice meeting you Sam!" Wyatt says as I wave and walk away.

I smile as I sit down on my beds looking at the picture of me and the cat,
I go onto my messages to tell my friend about my awesome day, when I see a new contact in my phone, my breathing stops
Finn wolfhard put his number on my phone. I send a message straight away to see if it's a joke

You: is this really Finn wolfhard? Or some joke?

With in seconds I get Another notification

Finn wolfhard has added you to a group

Sam: what's this?

Finn: hi sam its Finn and I've added you to a group with the other cast, I talked to them after Comicon and We have agreed to help you, if ever you feel the argue to cut again message.

Jaden:  we not specialist or anything. It we want to help you.

Wyatt: it's my right for you to hurt yourself like that.

Chosen: please, let us help you.

I feel tears form in my eyes, It's amazing to know someone cares

You: okay, I promise.

Hey guys, this was a reguest, I just what to say that if you ever feel like this, you have to ask for help.
My DMS are always open if you need someone to talk too. ❤️

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