Sophia Lills ~ The Dare

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hey, guys! so I decided to make a story about the most beautiful girl alive! I have my laptop sorted out so now I can finally type better ( yay! )

"Let's Play truth or dare!" Jack Screams

"Hell yeah." you smile.

"Ya, sure." came the reply of everyone else.

We all grab cushions from the couch and form a circle on the floor.

"Me first!" You say smiling. "Fred Savage,( Jack ) truth or dare?"

"I ain't no baby, Dare!" He practically screams.

"Imitate a person we all know." You say, with a smirk.

Jack gets up and starts doing some weird dance thing, and you all stare at him in confusion.

" Hello, isn't it obvious?!" Jack says noticing everyone's confusion.

"Nope, not at all," laughs Sophia, which makes you giggle too.

"I am Maddie Ziegler, duh!"Jack says, which makes everyone start laughing.

"Okay, me next" Jaden says, giving you a death stare which makes you nervous at what he might ask you, but instead, he turns to Sophia you feel a relief wash over you.

"Sophia, truth or dare?"

"Umm, Dare." She says with a confident smile.

" I dare you to kiss Y/N." Jaden smiles.

Your heart starts to pound, you told Jaden about your crush on Sophia a week ago, because he was your closest friend and you thought he could keep a secret.

"What?" Sophia says her smile disappearing, "but Y/N is a girl,"

You feel your heart sink, she obviously doesn't feel the same for you, I mean why would she?

"So?" Jaden asks giving you a guilty look as he realises the situation he got you into.

"Well, it's just I don't think Y/N will be comfortable with that," Sophia says looking down at her lap.

"You don't like girls anyway,"you mumble, feeling awkward that this is happing in front of the whole Losers club.

"Actually, about that," Sophia says "Everyone, I have some new, I am a lesbian"

you Feel your heart flutter, "And I am bisexual"

" And I am straight!" Chosen says which makes everyone laugh.

"So are you are you going to do the dare, Sophia?" Finn says with a wink

Sophia looks at you, "that's up to Y/N," She says shyly

"I'm fine with that," You say laughing

hope you enjoyed this terrible thing, hopefully, Friday's story will be better, I don't have any ideas for it so it will probably be made up as I go along again, like this one.

again guys please request

Love you all 💓

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