Sophia lills x Quinn

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Quinn walks into school to see a huge crowd of people, she frowns as she makes her way towards the crowd, too see what's going on.

"Can I have an autograph?!" Someone says pushing past Quinn.

"Rude," she mutters to herself as she pushes people to see a girl in the middle of the crowd, her face is confused and looks like she about scream.

"Sophia!" People call as they take pictures of her like she's a Zoo animal. Quinn feels anger bubble up inside her.

"HEY!" She shouts making everyone go quite, the girl turns to her and Quinn instant recognizes her, she's Sophia Lillis who plays Beverly Marsh in IT. "Leave her alone, idiots," Quinn hisses, everyone instantly backs down, Quinn's not someone you mess with.

"Thanks," Sophia says once everyone's gone, "I didn't expect so much attention," her cheeks flushed from the nerves.

Quinn smiles "it's nothing, I apologize for my class mates, they just a bunch of sheep,"

Sophia giggles, tucking her hair behind her ear. Her smile makes Quinn's stomach do flips, Sophia really is beautiful. she's an angel, the most beautiful girl in the world.
The girls look up when the bell rings.
"Walk me to class?" Sophia asks, her smile brooding hopefully.

"Course," Quinn says smiling as she leads the way.

"Hey Sop-"   "She's busy," Quinn hisses at the boy who tried to make conversation with Sophia, he glares at her but walks away.

"Wow, maybe I should hire you as my body guard," Sophia says with a look of surprise.

"It would be an honor," Quinn giggles.

"Your hired," Sophia says jokingly as she shakes Quinn's hand.

Requested by @Anxoius_Asexual

Sorry I couldn't quite think of a good plot for this... hope you like it anyway. ❤️❤️

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