Will Byers ~ upside down

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Ew, this is terrible. I wrote it in like 20 minutes because I forgot to post... please don't attack me!

I wake up gasping for air, immediately gaging at the smell of rotting earth.
I'm in a small room, made out of wood, everything's cover in a slimy substance, including me.
I sit up and cry out at the sudden jolt of pain I feel in my right leg, I slap my hand over my mouth to stop myself screaming, when I see the flower shaped bite on my leg, blood still oozing from the open wound.

"Hey, you awake," a voice says making me jump, I turn around, my frightened wide eyes meet the dark brown eyes of a boy, with a mess bowl cut.

"W-where am I?"
"Upside down,"
"Your in the upside down," he says as he steps inside, he's cover in slime too, but as far as I can see he isn't wounded.
"What's the upside down?" I squeal, my heart banging against my chest, and I feel extremely faint.

"It's an alternative dimension, the thing that bite you is called a Demodog," he states matter of factly
"You've got to be kidding me," I say not knowing weather to laugh or cry.
He shrugs he's shoulder. "Wish I was,"

"How do you know all this," I ask
"It's not my first time here,"
"Can we get out?" I ask hopefully
The boy nods he's head, "We need to find a portal," he says seriously.
I can't help but laugh, this is all so insane.

Suddenly there's a loud screeching sound outside, the boys eyes widen.

"What was that?"
"Demodog, we need to leave, now!"
He helps me stand up, and I wince in pain as I put pressure on my leg but the adrenaline rushing though my body helps me get out, fast.

We run through the forest that look so familiar but different, darker.
Are hand link as we run, we run for what seems like hours, until out of nowhere he stops.

I collapse to the ground tears of pain streaming down my face as I clutch my leg.

"Look!" He cries out pointing to a white glowing hole.

"W-what is that?" I ask, grinding my teeth together too help hold in a groan.

"It's the portal Eleven was talked about," he says, he's eyes glowing as he makes he's way towards the hole, that was slowly shrinking (😐)

"What?" I question as I slowly stand up, feeling weak from the amount of blood loss.

He turns and swiftly wraps an arm around my waist to stop my leg giving in.

"It's a way out," he says excitement evident in he's voice as we both walk over to the hole, I help him break away some of the slim blocking it before we both push through, face first onto the soft forest floor and back in the safety Hawkins. I feel tears of relief build up in my eyes and I turn to engulf the boy who's name is still unknown to me in a hug.

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