Chosen jacobs ~ Jump

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I stand on the edge of the bridge the big moon shining down down on my face, lighting everything up just enough to see, but offering no warmth, I stand there shivering as tears form in my eyes.
"Why don't you just kill yourself, you'll be doing everyone a favor?"
"No body cares about you," the words going round my head and the fresh bruises and cuts stinging in the cold air.
I never knew people could be so evil, I close my eyes thinking back to a few hours earlier.
I was walking out of the school when the three older kids came up to me,
I knew them, I have always been a target of there bullying for years, but today they took things father than before.
Two off them pinned me to the ground while the third beat me and all of them started saying awful things, but the worst part was the fact that no one seemed to care, no one.
All the kids either stared or just walked away, even the ones who I thought where my friends, who I thought cared about me.
I guess what they said is true, no body cares, so i will be doing the world a favor if I jump, won't I?
I look over at the bridge the wide gushing water so far down, yet I can here it rumbling from up here, during the day times it's the most fantastic sight, looking down at the beautiful water, crushing anything that dares get in its way.
I feel a tear slip down my cheek, I didn't even notice I was crying, up till now.
I let out a trebling sigh as I tie my note to the bridge post, not that anyone would care, they will probably just walk past it, like they walked past me when I was getting beaten up.
I take off my jacket and tie it around the post, the cold air hitting my bare arms and I feel colder than ever, gooses bumps appear all over my body and I start to shake more than I was before.
I climb over the wall and onto the small ledge, my hair flicking my sore face and my arms wrapped around my bruised chest.
I close my eyes and take a small step forward.
I try to master up the courage to just do it, but before I can I here some scream
I turn around in and see my old friend Chosen, he runs over.
"what you doing?!" He ask worry in his voice and eyes, "Angel, please, please come back over,"
He says gently holding his hands out to me.
I shake my head, "why didn't you help me?" I ask
Chosen frowns "Angel, what are you taking about?"
"At school, why didn't you help me," I say.
"I-I wasn't at school today,"
I frown thinking back and remembering not seeing him at all during lunch.
"Just leave Chosen, please just leave," I say as I turn around again.
He wouldn't have helped me anyway, they where right no body cares, no body helped, Why would he have helped?
"Angel, I'm not going anywhere," He says.
"It's okay, I know nobody cares," I say as I step forward.
He shrikes,
"I care angel, I swear to god I care!" He screams as he reaches out for me, he's hand grazes my back but he doesn't reach me, I instantly feel regret, but there's nothing I can as I fall down to the water below.

Hey, guys, I just wanted to let you know, that I love and appreciate all of you, that i CARE about each and everyone one of you and when I say I love you all at the end of my story's, I really mean it. ❤️❤️
Thanks for 29 thousand reads, this is crazy ❤️

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