Jeremy Taylor ~ Cancer

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I sit in the hospital bed reading trying to read the Hobbit, but I am so distracted by the fact that this is no way be spending My last days, my mom contacted the wish foundation, but she said no one got back to her, so now I'm stuck in a bed doing nothing for with my last few days, the doctors told me I am too weak to go swimming, walking or basically anything that involves getting out of bed, I sigh and throw my book across the room in anger.

"Great," I mutter as I lean over to push the button which will call a nurse, so she can go get it for me, but before I can, I hear my phone go, so I turn over and grab it

Unknown: get someone to take you to Room 11. xxx

"What?" I ask the air confused.

You: Who is this?

Unknown: Just do it.

Just then a nurse comes in.

"Hi, sweetheart, time for a walk." She says that means her walking and pushing me around in a wheel chair

"Yes, Umm is it possible for me to go to room 11?" I ask curiously I want to know whats there.

"Where else would we be going?" She said smiling.

I sat there confused while she lifted me off the bed and into the wheel chair.

soon we out the room and on our way to room Eleven.

The Nurse smiles at me. "you ready?"

I shrug. "Ya, I guess"

She nods opening the door and pushing me in.

"Surprise!" I see a whole group of people call to me.

I Sit there in shock, there's My mom, Dad, few friends....and... oh my god!

"OH MY GOD!" I scream starting to cry. "Jeremy Taylor!"

He smiles and walks forward leans down and hugs me tightly I cry into his shirt.
"how and what, why are you here?" I say basically forgetting how to speak.

"Don't worry about that, the point is I'm here"

I smiled hugging him tightly, I didn't know at the time that he would end up teaching me the most important thing in life, How to truly love somebody.

and Jeremy didn't know, That he would learn what it feels like to really grieve a person's death.

Hey, I am so so so so sorry for not updating this week, had no wifi, I uploaded my other story and then the wifi went off, yay!

Love you all!

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