Jaeden libreher ~ Sketching

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I walk down to our local cafe, thinking of what to get when my phone goes off in my pocket, I take it out and read a message from my best friend Jaeden,

Jae: Hey! I'm so sorry but I'm going to be about half an hour late, I haven't finished my homework yet. 🙁

I sigh and stuff my phone back into my pocket, thankfully I brought my sketch book so I will have something to do till he arrives.
I walk inside the cafe, and smile when I see our favorite table in the corner is open, in fact there's only on other person in the whole caffe, I walk over and plop my back pack down.
"Can I get you anything?" A waitress says poping into view.
"Yes, I'll have a vanilla latte," She nods "anything else?" I shake me head, "thanks" I say before she walks away, I pull out my head phones and sketching book, I listen to some music and smile when I see the drawing I've been working on for the past few days, I set to work humming to my music as I get lost in my world
A couple minutes later the waitress walks over brining me a decadent looking vanilla latte, I thank her and put my ear phone back in.
After about 20 minutes someone pulls out my head phones "Hi," a familiar voice whispers in my ear, I jump up with a fright and slam closed my sketch book, the man in corner looks up, "everything okay?" He ask eyeing Jaeden suspiciously.
I nod, "sorry, everything's fine," I say sitting back down.
"You gave me a heart attack!" I say turning to Jaeden.
He sits down. "What where you drawing?" He ask he's voice soft and soothing, just then the waitress comes, "What can I get you?" She asks Jaeden, "same as her," he says pointing to me. She waitress nods and walk away.
"Can I see?" He ask pointing to my book.
"Okay, but it's not good," I say sadly. "I'll be the judge of that he says," pulling my sketch books closer, he gently goes through all the pages, my heart starts to beat fast as he nears the one Im busy working on.
He lifts the page and a smile forms on his face when he sees himself.
"This is amazing!" He says excitedly.
I smile, "do you really like it, I haven't finished yet and I know it doesn't look a lot like you but I did tr-"
"It's really amazing, honestly," he says smiling at me.
"Thanks Jae,"

You guys want a part two? Because this doesn't really have a good ending, let me know.
Love you all ❤️❤️

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