Reddie ~ Limerence

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Eddie sits outside school he's knees stinging from where he was pushed onto the hard concrete and tucked gently under he's chin. He's usually perfectly combed hair a mess, and shirt torn in several places.

Eddie sniffs as a fresh set of tears start to run down his flush cheeks, stinging as they make their way into fresh cuts. He reaches over to he's fanny pack lying next to him, pulls outs a wet wipe and begins to clean he's knees scraped knees, wincing at the pain of the alcohol meeting open wound.

"E-Eddie?" Says a familiar voice, Eddie's eyes widen and he scrambles about putting things back into he's fanny pack cursing under he's breath, Richie can't see him like this. He stands up wincing as he walks on his twisted ankle, he starts to walk faster down the stairs but stops when he feels a hand on his shoulder, "Eds?" Richie asks confused.

Eddie closes he's eyes and turns around so he doesn't have to see Richies reaction when he sees he's face. "Oh Eds," Richie says, he doesn't even need to asks what happened, there's only one person that would have the heart to hurt such a pure boy, Bowers.

"Come," Richie says as he gently takes Eddie's hand, Eddie wants to snatch it away but he can't risk hurting the boy who's offering help.

Richie sits Eddie down and starts scratching through one of Eddie's fannypacks pretending that he knows exactly what he's looking for.

"Don't mind Henry Eddie," Richie says as he pulls a few bandaids and some disinfectant from Eddie's fannypack. "He only hurts you becouse he's totally Limerence for you,"

Eddie frowns confused "Richie, whats limerence?" Eddie asks.

"It's that state of being infatuated with another person," he says as gentally starts to clean the scratched and dirt lining Eddie's cheeks.

"Henry's not limerence with me!" Eddie laughs as if it's the most absurd things he's heard in he's entire life.

Richie smiles slightly "Who isn't limerence with you Eds?"

Eddie giggles, "You hinting at something, huh Rich?"

Richie blushes, "Maybe,"

Eddie stiffens, he's heart suddenly pounding, Richie tozier has basically just admitted to being infatuated with him. "Well maybe I'm limerence with you too then," he says looking into Richies magnified eyes.

"I guess we both limerence for each other," Richie says shrugging

"Fine by me,"

I don't know what this is.

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