Sophia lills ~ X reader

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You wait in line to meet Sophia, heart pounding, your really nervous and can hardly breath, Sophia has been your idol since as far back as you can remember.
The line moves quickly and you catch a glimpse of her, her beautiful smile and her blinding hair.
She looks up and notices you staring, she waves and smiles back, you force a smile and wave too, even though you feel like your stomaches about to explode.
Before long there is only one person in front of you and you have a full view of Sophia, and she has a full view of you and won't stop looking at you, you can't help but notice a small blush on her cheeks.
The fact that she looks a little nervous calms you down a bit, at least your not the only one.
The person in front of you walks up to Sophia and they take a photo and have a quick conversation.
The person then waves and walks away.
You walk forward and Sophia greets you with a hug, you hug her back, tears threading to leave your eyes, you've been dreaming of this moment all your life.
   "What's you name?" Sophia asks with a smile that melts your heart.
  "My names Y/N," you say.
"That's beautiful," Sophia replies. "Do you want a photo."
"Please," you say nodding, she takes your phone and you take a selfie.
She then turns around and writes something on one of the posters.
She turns around and hands it to you, she then whispers in your  ear, "Open when you out of sight," you nod, give her one last hug and then walk away and into the bathrooms, You lock yourself  in the bathrooms and then open up the poster.
It says.

Dear Y/N.
you really sweet and I want to talk with you about something, I have lunch in twenty minutes, will you meet me in subway?
Hopefully you'll be there.
Sophia xx

Your heart stops, of course your going to meet her!
You stand up and walk out the bathroom and down then street to subway then sit down at one of the tables in the corner, you pull the put your phone and cheek the time, it's already been twenty minutes since she gave you the poster.
You look out the window and see her coming down the street.
She walks into subway and smiles when she notices you.
"Hey, did you order yet." You shake you head and Sophia pulls a waiter over, and you both order.
You master up your courage and ask, "What did you want to talk about?"
Sophia's smile drops a bit, "first can I get your number."
"Of course!" You say and hand her your phone, she takes your number and puts hers into your phone.
You look at her contact and smile when you see the little hearts she put next to her name.
"Listen," Sophia starts looking nervous, "I know I don't even know you, but your really cute, I don't know if you been like girls, and I know this is forward, but would you ever want to go out with me sometime."  She says looking down.
You feel yourself smile and you lean forward and kiss her gently on the lips, she gasps but kisses back.
"I would love to," you whisper when you pull apart

Requested by @kpoptrash27
I'm soo sorry if this wasn't what you where going for, I know the kiss was forced but I wanted to put it in there.
Sorry ❤️

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