Gaten Mazzarato ~ Salty Kisses

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As soon as I see the boat I start to shake, I was suddenly so nervous.
I stop and look at Gaten, he smiles. "You'll be fine, I'm not leaving your side." He says seeming to read my mind. I calm a little and he steps up first then grab me pulling me up onto the huge boat, a few other people board and all sit down stairs, "Come." He mumbles into your ear giving you goosebumps, you both jump up and he leads you up the stairs to the front of the boat and you both sit down watching the view dangling your feet over the side, you're still a little nervous but with gaten next to you, you feel safe.

The boat starts and you smile seeing your the only ones who came on top, he wraps his arm around your shoulder and you lean your head on his, the boat starts and takes off, surprisingly fast for such a big one, your hair flicks in the wind as you watch the water go splash by and you suddenly relax you close your eyes enjoying the wind and water droplets landing on your face and the way the boat sways, then suddenly Gaten shakes you. " A whale!" He screams excitedly, you turn and see a big whale swimming past, you gasp and stand up pulling him behind you follow the whale along the boat and the next thing you know she disappears.

"Where did she go you ask Gaten." Confused. "I don't know," he mumbles disappointedly.

you both about to walk back when suddenly the whale breaches close to the boat and sends a big splash of water of your heads, You both gasps looking down at your soaking close. Then you burst out laughing he looks at your for a second before joining you.

He sits back down at the front of the boat and you join him he looks out over the water and you just admire the view.... of him, his beautiful curly hair his perfect smile and his gorgeous blue eyes.

You smile and lean your head back on his shoulder, just happy to be in the company of such a precious boy.

Hey, Guys!

Hope you enjoyed this, I just wanted to say thanks to all those amazing people who read my stories, and thanks for all the comments, I really appreciate them, like a lot.

Love you all.💓

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