Jaeden lieberher ~ Hurting

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"Y/N! Get ready, we almost have to go!" I hear my mother yell from down from down stairs, I sigh as I stand up out of bed, walk over to the bathroom, wash my face and get dressed quickly in a pair of leggings and a dark green hoodie, I brush out my hair and unplug my phone, grab ear phones and stuff this into a back pack,I then throw it on my back and grab my suit case I go down the stairs.
    "Hey, I'm ready," I say standing by the door.
    "Won't  you just go help your brother get dressed?" My mum asks walking past the door and looking in the mirror.
     "Is that what you're wearing?" She asks trying not to sound disgusted.
    "Yup," I say walking back upstairs to my brother's room. I'm so sick of mum, she is so pretty and perfect, always dressed up and flirting with other guys. My dad, well my dad works over sea's and that means he is never here, so I'm were left to look after my brother.
    "Y/N we staying at the Lieberher's can't you try actually wear something nice, for once and put some makeup on your face!" she shouts up the stairs, I ignore her. I don't even know who these people are, or even care

"Hey, Rory wake up," I whisper into my baby brothers ear. He smiles but pretends to be sleeping.
    "Oh no, what am I going to do to get him up?" I pretend to ask myself.
"I guess I could tickle him!" I shout and attack him with tickles, he starts giggling and kicking about.
     "I'm awake I'm awake!" He shouts trying to get me to stop.
    "Okay well, buddy lets get you dressed, so miss grumpy doesn't complain." I say shaking my head and rolling your eyes. he laughs, I go over to his closet
  "What do you want to wear today?" I ask him.

"I want to be spider man!" He says. I giggle,  
     "Sorry buddy but you need to wear normal clothes today,"
    "Finnee!" he moans.
"Hear how about this?" I say pulling out jeans a white button up shirt and a nice brown jacket. He nods.
     "You're going to be very handsome today, I think Mrs Libreher is going to want to adopt you!" I say. he laughs and gets dressed.       "Come help me make the bed," I say, once he is dressed.

After we are done we go down stairs and I make the both of us some cereal and then take him up stairs to brush our teeth. I make funny faces at him in the mirror, making him giggle. My mum calls us telling us it's time to go, I put our bags in the car and buckle my brother in, my mum comes walking out the house in a gorgeous dress.
   "Oh don't you look handsome," She says to my brother and then she just gives me a disappointed look. I stick my tongue out at her when she turns around and Rory giggle's quietly, soon we are off, after half an hour Rory falls asleep.
   "How do you know these people?" I ask Mum.
  "Angie and I were best friends in middle school, I expect you to be on your best behavior," she says looking at me in the review mirror.
    "Yes mum," I say plugging in my ear phones so she can't lecture me anymore, 3 hours later we finally arrive.

I get out the car and look at their beautiful house, I wonder who these people are? I think as we walk up to the door,
    "Behave!" Mum hisses at me before knocking on the door.

"Hello!" My mum says as a woman opens the door and they embrace in a hug. The woman looks at Rory,
    "Hello I am Angie,"she says shaking his hand


"And you are?" she says holding her hand out to me? I shake it and smile "Y/N" I say in a sweet voice, "It's nice to meet you, Angie"

"And how old are you love?" She asks me. "14 " I say,
   "Ahh that Jaden's age you guys should get along," she smiles at me.

I smile back, hopefully, this trip, won't be too bad.

Hey, Guys!

Don't worry there will be a part too, it's just too long to put into one chapter, so sorry if this is boring, but I promise next chapter will feature a lot of Jaden,

But I hope you enjoyed anyway.

Love you all! 💓

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