Chosen Jacobs ~ Selfish

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My Sister and I walk down the road laughing about the fact that it was finally the weekend, of course, Hunter ( my sister ) had lots of plans for the weekend lots of parties she is planning on going to, she is 1 year older than me and everyone loves her, she is the definition of perfect, her huge blue eyes and Long blonde hair, her perfect long, thin figure, she is intelligent and the type of girl that is good at everything, then there me with the boring brown eyes and my wild brown hair I'm not fat, I'm quite the opposite I'm way too skinny and have been called anorexic all my life, but I'm not, I eat more than my whole family combined,

we walk and she tells me all about this party she was going to on Saturday, I only half listen, my mind drifted and I think about all thing is was going to be doing, which included finishing American horror story and binge watching stranger things, but mostly I would be stalking Chosen Jacobs, my hero, on Instagram.
"So yeah, what are you doing this weekend?" Hunter asks,  brining me out of my day dream

"Umm.. let's see, well I have a date, with my phone and Chosen Jacobs Instagram, Very important stuff." I say sarcastically. Hunter laughs. "you're too obsessed, get a life!" She says, I know she probably isn't trying to be mean, but sometimes Hunter can be really, really selfish.

"Ya, that's not going to happen,"I mumble as we turn the corner, and of course, I bump into someone.

"Shit, Sorry," I mumble as I stand up. "Oh my god!" I say trying not to scream. "Your chosen Jacobs," I whisper as to not draw attention.
Chosen smiles, "yup, that's me,"
"Well, it's freaken amazing to meet you, you're my Idol, can I take a picture?" I ask whipping out my phone. Chosen nods smiling as he puts his arm around me and I take a photo, I can't even begin to explain to you how amazing it feels to be in the arms of your idol.

"Thanks, so much, you have no idea how much this means to me." I say happily.
"Sure, it's no problem," Chosen says with a smile to melt any girls heart.
"Can I take a Picture too?" Hunter says with a big smile. I look at her confused, she doesn't even like Chosen, I heard her call him ugly a number of times. "Take a picture," Hunter says handing me her phone and fluffing up her hair.

"Umm oh, okay," I say taking her phone, she walks over to Chosen and puts her arm around him and smiles for the camera "There." I say as I take the photo. "One more." Hunter says I nod and as I take the photo Hunter turns and gives Chosen a kiss on the cheek, she then turns and gives me an evil look, I stand there shocked, how could Hunter do this to me? she's my sister for crying out loud!

"Thanks, Babe." She says taking her phone back. "Ya sure," I mumble. "Chosen, you have no idea how big a fan I've watched all your movies like a hundred time," she says touching his shoulder in a flirting way, which just crushes me.
"I don't have any movies out yet," Chosen says confused. "IT only comes out in December,"
"Oh, Right," Hunter says. "You know what I mean"

I stand there not knowing to cry or laugh about the fact my sister is making such a fool of herself, or cry because she is being so selfish.

"Actually, I don't know what you mean," Chosen says crossing his arms. "Do you even know who I am?" He questions

"No, she doesn't really," I say as tears start to form my eyes. "She just doesn't want me to be happy," I say letting my tears fall out my eyes now and feeling like such an Idiot.

"Agh! Crybaby," Hunter moans at me and walks away. "Your acting probably sucks anyway." she calls back to Chosen, as she's realised that he doesn't believe her lie anymore.

"Are you alright?" Chosen asks as he walks over to me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I am a little cry baby and she's my selfish sister," I say, wiping away my tears.

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault your related to a witch."

I laugh. "I didn't know she could be so evil," I mumble.

"She's Just jealous, that you're so real and she's so fake He says rubbing my back.

"Thanks, Chosen,"I say smiling at him.

"Anytime, sweetheart,"

Hey, guys.

Yes, I hate this story so much because it is actual shit, but I am like officially out of ideas and need to do some brain storming, leave any request down below pleaseee!!

also, does anyone want to do a collab?

Love you all! 💓

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