Finn wolfhard ~ cutie part 2

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"Hey!" I yell as I jump on Wyatt's back as he makes his way off set,
I've been an extra on set on the IT movie  for a couple months now, and surprisingly the cast and I have become really good friends, especially Wyatt and I.
"Oh hey, Y/N!" He says throwing an arm around my shoulder.
" you where grea-" i start off but notice Finn giving Wyatt a death glare. I furrow my eyebrows trying to figure out what's wrong, but as soon as he notices me staring he looks away.
"What where you looking at Y/N?" Wyatt asks obviously he didn't notice the glare he just revived.
"Oh!" He says when he noticing I'm starting at Finn, I feel myself blush.
He starts walking over to Finn, "No, no, no." I say,  it he starts to run before I can grab his arm, he knows I like Finn.
I stand watching awkwardly as the two on them talk about something and then I watch as Wyatt shoves Finn in my direction.
"Oh shit," I say my breath hitching as he walks over to me.
"Hi," he says scratching his arm,
"Umm," he says looking at the ceiling. "Can I ask you something and you have to promise not to hate me,"
I feel my heart drop, he's gay, I think to myself. How could I be so stupid, he probably likes Jack too.
"Shoot," I say
"Will you, umm, you know, maybeifyoulikegooutwitgmesometime?" He says in one breath.
My face heats up.
"Yes!" Exclaim excitedly as I engulf him in a hug.
I hear clapping and open my eyes to see the whole crew and cast watching and applauding us.
"I ship!" Yells Wyatt
We all laugh and I feel a hand reach into mine.
"I ship too," Finn say smiling.

Hope it doesn't suck to bad.
Hope you enjoyed,
love you all!

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