Noah schnapp ~ Just Friends

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I run down the street getting more and more excited as I near my best friends door, I've known Noah all my life, but I haven't seen him for months as he's been away filming his second season of stranger things.
I burst in his front door "Hi second family!" I yell as I throw my backpack down and run past them and up to Noah's room.
I bang on his door and he opens it up, I basically squash him in a hug.
"I missed you!" He mumbles into my hair.
"I've missed you more, these last couple months at school have been hell without you!" I say as I finally let go of him and plop down on the bed.
I get a good look at him and notice he's changed quite a bit and he's taller than me now.
"Okay, tell me everything!" I say as he sits down beside me
He starts to tell me all about filming and how exciting it was seeing the cast again.
I smile at how worked up he gets when his talking, it's adorable.

Time skip

"What you smiling about?" I ask flopping down next to him in the bed
We've had an awesome day and about to go to bed.
"It's just... there's this girl," he says blushing.
"Oh," I mumble I feel my heart sink, I don't even know why.
"Is it Millie?" I ask,
"What? No!" He says laughing "we just friends
"Who is she then?" I ask looking at him.
He smiles a bit.
"I'll give you a hint, she's in the same room as me,"

Eww.. terrible, I promise there will be better story's after xmas, because guess who's getting and iPad?
Now I don't have to type on my tiny little phone anymore!

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