Jeremy ray taylor ~ train rides

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Every weekday morning, at exactly seven am, I catch the same train and every day I see the same boy.
But today as I walk down the dirty stairs of the station, I'm surprised when I don't see him sitting on his usual bench in the corner, I shrug it off maybe he wasn't going to catch the train for a change, but it would be the first time in the three years I've been coming here and haven't seen him.

I pull out my head phones and stick them in my ear just so I don't have to make conversation with anyone and I just lose myself in my music.
I soon feel the ground start to vibrate gently under my feat signaling the trains arrival.

As soon as it's stops and the doors open I climb aboard, I watch all the people board absent mindly looking for his familiar face.
I sigh as the train doors start to close, I guess he didn't come today, but then as on cue, I see a familiar figure running over, I smile and watch as he quickly slips into my compartment just before the doors can close.

"That was a close one," I say smiling at him, taking out my headphones and realizing that this is actually the first time I've talked to him.

"Ya, the stupid bus was late so I almost missed my train," he says panting softly as he sits down next to me, "why do you look so familiar?" He ask, he's beautiful brown eyes staring in to mine and he's face looks slight amused (okay, is it just me or doesn't Jeremy alway looks and sound slightly amused?) and he's hair combed perfectly to the side.

"Because we've actually been catching the same train together for the past three years," I state smiling at the boy,

"Huh," He says thinking it over. "Your the girl who always has these in?" He says referring to my headphones dangling out my bag, "What so you listen to?" He asks as he pick up my headphones.

"Anything old really,"
I pick up my headphones and hand one to him, we put then in and I realize it's playing every breath you take by the police

"Aw, I love this song," he says smiling and nodding he's head along to the beat.
I smile as we just sit and listen to music together for the rest of the train ride and the train ride after that, until I becomes our new routine, I definitely prefer this one.

I don't like this one, but I have an amazing idea for the next one!

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