Reddie ~ First Kiss

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You can totally imagine them as the old cast if you like, I imagine them as the 2017 cast.

"Hey, fag!" Henry Bowers shouted at Little Eddie as he pushed him over, Eddie landed hard on his back and cried out in pain. He looked up at the sneering face's of the Bowers gang, scared at what they might do to him next.
There was no one around to help him.
Eddie hated how stupid he was to go for a walk down to the river by himself, but sometimes, he needed to get away from everything.
"Loser I am talking to you!," Henry said, spitting on Eddie. At this point, Eddie started to cry.
"Ohh, look at the girly boy," Henry cooed.
"Get up Loser," Moose said to Eddie, kicking him in the side.

Eddie scrabbled trying to get up as fast as possible, But was pushed down again by Henry, his gang found this historical.

"Hey, kids what you doing?" came a squeaky old man's voice, from the trees up ahead.
Without a hesitation, the Thick bowers gang took off leaving Eddie to quickly wipe away his tears. "That's the best impression you have every down Richie," Eddie said laughing.
"Not good enough to fool you though,"Richie said coming out of the tress, in all honesty, the impress was trash but, then again, it did fool the Bowers gang.
As Richie got closer he saw the tears on Eddie's cheeks.
"Eds,"his voice suddenly went soft and caring he crouched down next to the small boy, and pulled him into a tight embrace, Eddie didn't mind, in fact, Eddie rather enjoyed it, but he wasn't planing on telling Richie that.

"What did they do to you?" Richie asked tenderly. "They call-edd me a f-fa-gg," Eddie said though tears, he had his tiny hand on Richie's chest and was absentmindedly pulling at his shirt.

"Oh, Eds don't listen to them!"
"Then Henry s-spat on me and m-moose kicked-d me," Eddie said calming down a little.
"Assholes," Richie muttered. He hated them with a passion, especially when they hurt Eddie.
The small boy looked up at Richie
He wanted nothing more than to close the space between them with a kiss, but he knew Richie didn't like him, he like Beverly.
Eddie never suspected that Richie felt the exact same way and that he never really like Beverly, he just said that to stop the rumours about him being gay, whitch, in fact, were true.

"Eds," Richie mumbled, softly

"I don't like Beverly"
"Oh,"Eddie said trying not to sound too happy.

"I like someone else,"
"Promise you won't tell anyone?"
Eddie sat up properly

"I like you too Richie," he said with butterflies in his stomach.

Richie touched eddies cheek, and leant in closer, "can I kiss you?"
"I thought you'd never ask," Eddie replied
Richie closed the space between them with a tender gentle kiss.
Richie had kissed a few girls at school before, but nothing was like this, this was special, Becouse he actually felt something with Eddie.

Eddie, on the other hand, had never kissed anyone before, He would grow up and kiss others in the future, but nothing would ever be like his first one with Richie the one he would treasure the most, and the kiss he would never forget.

I probably shouldn't right so late at night and on my tiny phone. So again that's why there are probably a hundred mistakes 😂

Anyway, I hope you liked this Reddie one shot!
Love you all ❤️

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