Mike Wheeler ~ Daydreamer Part 2

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Time skip to a few months latter

The guys and I are waking in the forest in the poring rain looking for our friend Will, who has gone missing
   "Will!" I call out, walking next to my friend Mike, he has his arm around me protecting me from the rain, I shiver and he pulls me closer making me smile.
Everyone knows that there something between us, we not really dating but we have kissed a few times and I guess we kinda have a thing going, I guess, I hope.

A voice bringing me out my my daydream,
  "Will! Where are you?!" Lucas shouts.
We walk further and further into the woods
  "Guys, I think we should turn back." I say through clattering teeth
  "Agreed." Dustin says
  "Don't be sissy, we need to find Will!"
Jut then there is a shuffle behind us, we all spin around, my heart starts pumping, there's nothing there,
"Maybe it was a rabbit?" I ask.
"In this weather?" Mike replies walking closer to me, making me feel safe
Then suddenly there is another rustle and we all turn around to see a girl, my age, but with a shaved head, she's wearing a yellow shirt.

I look at Mike, who is staring at her, them back at the girl who is staring at Mike, I feel my heart sink.
I feel the connection between Mike and I collapse, it strange, to watch the boy you thought loved you fall in love.

It breaks you to watch the boy you love look at someone the way you look at him.

Oops, sorry.

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