Richie tozier ~ I hate him

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I hate everything about him, he's stupid way to big glasses, his in appropriate jokes, but what I hate most is he probably thinks I've got some giant crush on him because every time I stare at him (stares that are filled with hate ) he catches me, he always winks and blows a kiss at me, just the thought make my cheeks heat up, because I do NOT like Richie tozier!

I slam my diary shut, anger still rushing though me, my friends tease me about him all the time, they think I like him, everyone does, excluding him!
I sight as I stand up and walk down stairs to make some lunch.
I make myself a peanut butter and jam sandwich and then just as I'm about to go back stairs there's a knock at the door, I sight as I place my sandwich down on the counter and walk over to the door,
I open it and my heart stops, a blush creeps onto my cheeks... from anger because standing right there is the most annoying person to every walk this planet, Richie Tozier.
He smiles noticing my red cheeks.
"Aww, that happy to see me princess?"
I cross my arms to show how unimpressed I am. "What do you want?" I say through gritted teeth.
"Why, exactly what you want," He says winking.
I make to close the door but he slips his inside just before I can
"That was a joke," he says seriously.
I roll my eyes and walk away, he follows me.
"Nice house," he says looking at the pictures on the wall.
"That reminds me, how the hell did you find out where I live?" I say poring myself a glass of milk.
"Bethany told me, can I have one?" He ask pointing to the milk.
I stare at him a minute before getting another glass and pouring him some milk.
"Thanks," He says taking it.
"You want half my sandwich too?" I ask sarcastically.
"Sure," He says as he takes half off the plate, and wonders off to the lounge.
I close my eyes to stop from screaming, grab the rest of my sandwich and follow him.
He stand there looking around the room I sit down on the couch and he sits down next to me biting his sandwich,
"Mmm, this is good," he says looking at me bread crumbs scattered over his glasses, I can't help but laugh wondering how on earth they got there.
I reach out and take his glasses of his head wiping them on my shirt.
I place them back on his face.
"Better?" I ask
He nods, his cheeks flushing for a change, I smile, liking having that affect on him.

Maybe, just maybe I do like Richie tozier, just a little bit.

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