Noah Schnapp ~ Fired

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WARNING! Contains a suicide attempt.

  Your POV

I walk home feeling the tears prickle the back of my eyes,
    "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm  fine," I mumble to myself over and over again, But I'm not fine, I'm breaking, I feel like I'm losing my mind.

When I get inside, I run up the stairs.

Useless, useless, useless, that's why I got fired from stranger things before I even started and everyone hates me. I flop down on the bed and let the tears fall, they found someone better than me, so I just get tossed aside, that's the story of my life, I just can't believe Jacky told me through text.

When I think things are starting to get better, everything collapses and I am worse off than before. I scream knowing my parents are out partying or too drunk to care. I can't believe that they would hire me to play the part of the new girl, Sara and then a week later they tell me that they've found someone more suitable for the role.

I had enough, clearly, I am not wanted by anyone. I go into the bathroom and slam the door, I open the drawer and pull out my dad's razor.
    "Useless, useless unwanted," I muttered over again, and then, I start to cut.

Noah POV

I walk down the street freezing I cheek my phone, her house is just around the corner. I walk up and knock on the front door, all the lights are off except for one, I wonder if anyone's home? I think to myself as I walk up the stairs, I'm about to knock when I hear a scream coming from inside the house, I open the front door and run inside, following the scream into a bathroom, and there I see Y/N with a razor to her wrist.
   "Stop!" I shout pulling her away from the Razor, she starts crying and I pull her into a hug.
   "Shh, Don't cry, you're safe now," I whisper into her ear.

I look at the open wound and sigh in relief when I see she hardly did any damage, but if I had arrived 10 minutes later, that would have been a different story.

Your POV

I cry into Noah's shirt.
    "Why are you here?" I ask my voice muffled by his shirt,
  "I came to welcome you to the crew." He says softly, rubbing my back. 
     "I got fired," I say without any emotions.
     "What?" he asks confused, "when?"
     "Two hours ago," I say

"Y/N, everyone was talking about how excited they were about you playing the part of Sara Twenty minutes ago," Noah says

  "What?" I ask sitting up, "But I got a text saying I was fired," I say as I walk into my room and find my phone in the corner of my room, where threw it when I got home.

I pick it up and see Five missed calls and a text message from my agent, Jacky, I open up the message.

Jacky: I'm sorry love, someone stole my phone and was texting lies to all my contacts, don't worry as soon as I find out who it was, he or she will be fired, You still have the part of Sara. XX

I turn around to see Noah by the door, I feel myself smile.
   "It was a joke, I still have the part,"

Noah smiles and walks up to me and gives me a hug, I hug him back holding my arm out so I don't get blood on his shirt, I breathe in his scent.

Then I remember something.
    "How did you find my address?" I ask pulling away slightly to look at him.

Noah smiles,
  "That's my little secret,"

Hey, guys.

Agh this story was terrible, but I realised I hadn't  done a story about Noah yet, so I hope you enjoyed this anyway! tell me who you want to see next!

Love you all 💓

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