Jack Dylan Grazer ~ Toothbrush

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Everyone loves Jack so here is another story about him, you're welcome!

I Turn around to see Jack sitting staring at the screen absorbed in the movie, I gulp, he looks so beautiful with his messy towel dried hair and scruffy, long Pjyma pants, and my plain big oversized black shirt, typical Jack, forgets to bring a Pyjama top, next he will forget his tooth brush, I giggle to myself and Jack looks at me, I quickly look away blushing, I see Jack smile from the corner of my eye.
   "What were you staring at?" Jack asks giggling.

   "Nothing," I mumble blushing even more.

Jack grins and scoots closer and me. He looks at me, so I look back at him.
  "What are you thinking about?" I ask him in an almost whisper.

   "You," he says looking into my eyes. I feel like he is looking into my soul, which makes me feel giddy. he shakes his head,
   "I mean, what are you thinking about?" He asks. I feel my heart sink,
    "Nothing," I mumbled looking back to the movie. I notice his face soften, out the corner of my eye
  "It was you, I was thinking about you," He admits in a whisper. I turn to face him,
    "What about me?"

     "How Pretty you are, what were you thinking?"
I smile slightly.
   "You," I whisper back to him. Jack smiles widely.
    "Will you go out with me sometime Y/N" Jack ask.
    "Of course." I smile

Later that night I brush my teeth and when I finish, I walk out the bathroom, Jacks going through his bag looking for something.
    "What you looking for I ask,"
    "I forgot my toothbrush!" he moans. I laugh and he looks at me confused.
   "Typical Jack," I mumble under my breath.

Hey, Guys!

sorry, this was so short, I forgot to finish it yesterday, so had to make it quick and stupid in order to get it up, pus I have my other stranger things fan fiction to write, I just finished that so it should be up in a minute.

Love you all! 💓

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