Eleven ~ Experiments

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"Papa, i-i can't," I say holding back tears as I take off the brain waves sensors, looking at the little puppy in the cage, how can Papa expect me to kill him?
Papa gives me a disappointed look, I start to cry knowing what's coming as he nods to the men standing next to him.

         "No!" I shout as they grab my arms, easily lifting up my far too skinny self. I thrash around trying to kick them,

        "No, Papa!" I scream as I see the door of the room. one of the men open it and I scream as the other one throws me inside, I land hard on my side.

I watch in horror as the man slowly closes the door, but before he does, the door bangs open and sends him flying back, the other man pulls out his gun and turns down the hallway, but before he can shoot, he's sent flying backwards too.

"Eleven," I says as I run out the room to see my only friend standing in the hallway, fresh blood dripping from her nose, I smile slightly as I rush towards her engulfing her in a hug, I haven't seen her in months, they've been keeping her away from me, claiming that she's a distraction.

We grew up together, learned how to control our powers, we did everything together and then one day they just took her away from me, Eleven is my everything.

"Bad place," El says taking my hand, "We need to go,"

I nod my head, I don't want to leave papa but wherever Elevens going I'm going too I can't lose her again. 

So we run, I use my powers to make us invisible to everyone we pass.
We make it downstairs and wait by the door for someone to leave so we can sneak past them, the whole labs in a frenzy everyone rushing about looking for us.

Finally, after what feels like forever someone opens the door and we sneak past them Eleven supporting me as I'm drained from using my powers for so long.

As soon as we out of sight I flop down next to a big tree and Eleven rushed to my side to help clean up the blood that's pouring down my face.

"Ten?" She says cupping my face in her hand, her big brown eyes full of concern.

"Eleven," I reply with a week smile, lifting my hand up to stroke her cheek.

"safe," She says as her face breaks into a smile and she engulfs me in a hug.

I smile and gently stroke her head.


Ok, I am so so so sorry for not updating, I was away last week and the week before I wasn't feeling ok.
I am also going away this weekend for two weeks, so I'm not sure if I will be able to update, due to the fact that I'm not sure if there will be internet.

Oh and when I get back it's my birthday, yay!

As always,
I love you all so much. 💕💕

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