Madison x Eddie kaspbrak

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Madison walks through the school halls, confidence radiating from her like a full moon.
"Mads, wait!" Madison turns to be met with the pricing blue eyes of her best friend, Beverly Marsh. "We've been invited to the quarry, do you want to go?" Beverly asks pushing her short fiery hair out her eyes. "It's a perfect day for a swim," she adds with a
slight laugh.

Madison smiles her green eyes lightning up, "Sure, who invited us?"

"Bill Denbrough," Beverly says as casual a possible but Madison can here the fondness in her voice when she says the boys name.

"Just us?" Mads asks as she pushes open the school doors the warm sun hitting their cheeks.

"The rest of the losers too, it'll be fun," Beverly says as she and Maddie get on their bikes,

"Race you there!" Maddie calls as she pushes off with her bike, they both peddle off as fast as they can, Maddie's long dirty blonde hair flicking her face as her legs work and she flys along the streets of Derry, her friend close behind.

"Your fast," Beverly says as she hops off her bike panting. Madison smiles, they plop down there bikes and walk father into the small forest that leads to the quarry. As they near they here voices.

"Alright, w-who's first?" The familiar stutter of Bill Denbrough says. The rest of the boys go silent.
Beverly and Maddie giggle.

"Well, go," Maddie says as she takes off her shorts,

"Sissy's," Beverly says as she throws her dress aside, Maddie grabs Beverly's hand and they both run and jump.

Maddie swims to the surfers "Come on guys!" She calls. Bills the first to jump
and is followed closely by the others.

"Hey Eddie," Maddie says as she notices the slightly shorter boy swimming in front of her.

"Hey Mads," Eddie says swimming over, water droplets sticking to his long eye lashes.
Bill, Ben, Bev and Richie all start a chicken fight and Stan just watches amused.
While Eddie and Maddie swim back to shore.

"D-did you bring a towel?" Eddie asks the now shivering girl, she shakes her head.
He hands her a towel which is not something he would give to anybody due to his fear of germs.
She thanks him and drys off before laying down on the shore.

Eddie sits down next to her, "You want to see what's on the boom box?" Eddie ask gesturing to Richies boom box by his bag.

"Sure," Maddie's says as Eddie gets up to fetch it.
He brings it back and Maddie starts flicking thorough the Chanel's until Bust a move by young MC comes though.

Eddie giggles "You like this song," Maddie smiles at him, "what's not to like?" She says jokingly.
The two lie down and soon loose themselves in conversation.

"What you two giggling about?" A voice asks brining the two out of their own world.

"Nothing Trashmouth," Maddie says sitting up and noticing everyone's getting ready to leave, her heart sinks a little but all good times must come to an end.

They all get changed and soon everyone's left but Bev, Eddie and Maddie.

"Well, I should go," Beverly says with a smirk, "I'm very, very tired," she adds sarcastically. 

"Have fun you two!" She says as she hops on her bike and pedals away.

"So, I guess I should probably go too then," Madison says tucking her fingers into her short pockets her damp hair sticking to her freaked face.

"Hey Mads," Eddie says softly,


"I had fun today," he says looking down shyly.

"Me too, Eddie," she says as she grabs her, bike and walks over to Eddie they both just stand there for a second before she plants a tender kiss on his cheek, witch turns red as soon as she pulls away,

She giggles, "I'll see you around," she gets on her bike a pedals away leaving a very frazzled boy who's touching his cheek and smiling like an idiot.

Requested by @mads_2231
I'm sorry it took so long and I hope this is okay. ❤️

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