Jaeden lieberher ~ Hurting part 2

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Okay, yes, I am in love with Jaden's voice it's literally the most soothing sound in the world.

Edit: Disclaimer, you are all stunning, beautiful and perfect, I love you!!!

I walk into their house and meet an attractive boy about my age,
"Hi, I am Jaeden," he says with a voice that melts my heart.
"Yes. I mean, Y/N I am Y/N," I say stupidly.

"Nice to meet you Y/N," he says with a serious expression.

"Jaeden show Y/N where she will be staying,"  Angie says as her and my mother walk into the kitchen followed by Rory.    
    "Follow me," Jaden says as he grabs my suit case walks up the stair I follow him.

   "Here, this is your room," He says as he puts my bag down in the corner.
  "Thanks," I say sitting down on the bed.
     "Get ready, we go out to dinner in about an hour," He says walking out the room.

"Friendly," I mumble under my breath. Cute though I think to myself with a small smirk. After awhile I get a sudden idea I smile to myself as I go through my bag looking for that one pretty dress I had packed, I smile when I pull it out,
  "Perfect" I mumble under my breath, as I throw the dress onto the bed and go through my bag, I pull out a mascara, which is the only make up I own.

I brush my hair and teeth, I put on mascara and then the dress, it a really pretty one, it 's a really pretty dark red one with long sleeves and a high neck, I smile to myself, I don't look half bad, this should shut up mum.  I put on my pair of low cut boots to top it all off.

Just then there is a knock at my door and I hear that soothing voice, that can only belong to Jaden.
"You ready? We leaving now," he says.
"Just a second!"  I say grabbing my phone, I open the door.

He raises his eyebrows,
"Nice dress," Jaden says turning around and walking down the stairs.

"Thanks,"I say as I follow him.

"Oh, you look, lovely darling," Angie says to me as I walk into the lounge.

"Thank you," I say smiling as I turn to my mum. she looks shocked at first and a bit angry, but her expression quickly changes into a wide grin.
"Yes, she does," my mum says in a sickly sweet voice,
"like always," she adds.

Angie smiles.
"Okay everyone lets go!" she says happily.

I start to head towards the door, but my mum quickly grabs me,
"What are you playing at?" She  hisses in my ear,
"You think that boy will like you because you're wearing a dress? sweetheart your so ugly you couldn't even get a toad to like you." I stand there shocked as my mum walks away, she was always terrible to me, but never ever had she said something this hurt full. I Bite my lip to stop the tears from coming.

Then I turn around to see Jaden staring at me with an inquiring look,
  "What did your mum?" say he asks me.

   "Nothing," I snap. "Just leave me alone!"

I walk up to the car and sit in the back, Rory gets in and sits in the middle, I smile down at him.

Soon we arrive, order, and find a table.

Unfortunately, I get stuck sitting next to my mum and as soon as everyone is distracted she whispers,
   "I really wish you weren't my daughter, you're such a disgrace,"

I stand up,
   "Excuse me, I need the bathroom," I say walking away, as soon as I am in the bathroom, I start crying, I don't understand what I did to her, why does she hate me so much?

Soon there is a knock on the door.
  "It's busy! I say trying to sound like I wasn't crying.
  "Y/N it's me, open up," I hear Jaden saying.

I sigh and open the door. His expression soften's when he see's I've been crying, he steps in and hugs me.
  "What's wrong, what did your mum say to you?"

    "She tell's me I am ugly and makes me feel bad about myself all the time,"I say.

     "She's just jealous," he says hugging me tighter.

    "Of what?" I ask. looking up at him.

    "How beautiful you are."

Hey, Guys.

sorry, this story isn't very good, but I am brain storming for better ideas, I promise!

Anyways, Thanks for reading.

I love you all! 💓

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