Stanley Uris ~ Ghoast

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I slam my bedroom door shut. A shudder runs down my spine when I hear something Smash in the kitchen, "screw you!" Come the angry voice of my mother. I lock my door and slide to the floor resting my face in my hands and wishing more that anything that my Walkman wasn't broken.

"Y/N?" I hear the familiar voice say, I smile as a lift my head and see the boy sitting on my bed, he's curly hair neatly combed and he's posture perfect.

"Stan," I mumble softly, as I stand up and walk over to my bed, sitting down next to the boy I want nothing more than to hug him, but I know I can't do that.

"A-are they fighting again?" He asks, he's brown eyes full of worry. 
I nod and we both lie back on my bed, I turn my face to see he's beautiful one, I want to be able to touch it again, I long to be able to feel his soft skin.

"Tell me what it felt like again?" I say as I close my eyes and gently stroke my cheek pretending it's his hand.

Stan sighs, "Well, at first it was cold and I was really scared, I was so scared, but then all my fear disappeared when I saw the light, I f-felt content." Stan's face looks at peace as he tells his story, but then he's beautiful eyes turn grave. "But then it all came back, the fear I mean. When I realized I was dead and I though I was never going to see you again,"

I reach my hand out and try to wipe away the tear that's slipping down he's cheek but as my hand goes through him he starts to cry more.

"Don't cry, I'm right here," I say even though I feel tears start to form in my eyes.

"You don't understand Y/N," he cries sitting up. "I want to be able to feel your warm skin, I want to be able to comforted you when your partners are fighting, tangle my hands in your soft hair... feel your lips against mine," The last part a soft whisper his voice filled with longing.

"Me to Stan, me too," I say as the tears now escape my eyes. "We are going to be together again,"

"What do y-you mean?" Stan ask wiping his eye and looking confused as I start scratching though my desk draw, when I find the little black box I was looking for my eyes light up. I rush back to the bed and flip open the lid, I watch Stan's face drop in horror, I frown, I thought he would be happy.

"N-no, no!" He screeches as he makes to close the lid, but he's hand goes through it and he screams knowing there is nothing he can do to stop me.

I smile, "it's okay, I'll be with you soon," I take the bottle of pills out.

"S-stop, you have your whole life ahead of you, don't be stupid,"

I grab the glass of water next to my bed and before I know it I've downed the whole he bottle of pills.

Stanley's in a state, crying and screaming "How could you be so stupid,"

My eyes start to feel droopy I lie down on the bed.

I look up at Stanley crying over me, when the light appears behind Stan, i know it's going to be okay when I feel he's soft hand on my cheek, everything is okay.

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