Jack D Grazer ~ What would you do?

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I sit down at the Resturant table with my friend Kayla. "So what you want to get?" She ask looking at the menu. "Um duh! Cookies and cream ice cream with fries," (I wish I had ice cream) Kayla laughs and we both order. We talk for awhile till a customer walks in and catches my eye. I stare at him trying to figure out where I know him from, when him, the woman and the other girl he was with, sat down.

"Can I get a burger mom?" He asked sweetly
"Your not famous in this house, get something cheeper." She hisses at him
I sit there taken aback, I look at Kayla who shakes her head at me telling me not to get into it.

"I want a burger" says the other girl next to him.
"Of course sweet heart!" The woman says
"How come she gets a burger?" Asks the boy
" become she isn't a brat like you that needs to learn just because he is an actor the world doesn't evolve around him!"
I decide to butt in. "Um, excuse me, you can't treat your child like that."
"Who are you to tell me how to raise my kids, you only a kid yourself!" She says giving me a death glare."
"Well I've been raised right and I know that this is wrong, you can't pick favorites with your own kids."
Before the woman can say anything else a camera man bursts through the door, "oh my god!" I say slapping my hand over my mouth as I realize it's the guy form the show what would you do? "So this was just and act?" I ask feeling a relief flood though my body
"Yes" the man says sitting down at my table with a microphone "what made you react in that way?" He questions.
I look over at the boy and see him smiling at me, I blush. "While you just don't treat people like that." 
After a few more questions he shuts off the camera, "we done for the day" he tells the actors and crew they nod and walk out the restaurant, besides the boy.

I smile at him and he walks over, he's cute I think to myself, really cute.
"Hi, I'm Y/N" I say sticking out my hand

"Jack" he says shaking it "Jack Grazer"
Then it clicks he's playing my favorite character in the remake of my favorite book, small world and I right?

Sorry this is terrible, I am typing it on my phone because some of my laptop keys are broken, (Costa Rica life)
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it. Oh and I am thinking about doing a competition or something to maybe cast you as the main character in the Sophia lills book I am working on, should I do it, Or just make up a character?

Love you all! ❤️

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